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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Nestor L. Muller MD PhD"
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 books)


oleh Nestor L. Muller MD PhD
Rp 1.980.000      Rp 1.782.000

This state-of-the-art Chest title in the brand-new High-Yield Imaging series is ideally designed to let you quickly look up a diagnosis, confirm your suspicion, and move on to the next case. Renowned authorities, Drs. Müller and Silva present more than 300 diagnoses, almost 1,000 optimally ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Nestor L. Muller MD PhD, C. Isabela S. Silva MD PhD
Rp 2.970.000      Rp 2.673.000
A world renowned group of experts brings you an exhaustive full-color two-volume reference to help you effectively select and interpret the best imaging studies for the challenges you face in diagnosing diseases of the chest. They cover every aspect of chest radiology, including the latest ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Nestor L. Muller MD PhD, C. Isabela S. Silva MD PhD
Rp 1.292.500      Rp 1.163.250

Practical and clinically focused, this Chest title in the new Teaching Files Series provides you with 200 interesting and well-presented cases and nearly 600 high-quality images to help you better diagnose any disease of the chest. Experts in the field, Drs. Müller and Silva, use a logical ...  [selengkapnya]

101 Info tentang Nabi dan Rasul
Menambah pengetahuan seputar nabi dan Rasul. Membentuk akhlak mulia ada nabi, ada rasul. Hmmm ... bedanya apa, ya? Berapa sih, jumlah nabi dan rasul? Apa sih, tugas nabi dan rasul? Apa saja ...   
