Hasil Pencarian untuk "Nancy K. Kubasek, Gary S Silverman"
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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:
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 Nancy Drew, the cleverest sleuth in River Heights, is always on thecase -- no matter how dangerous it may be! Now Nancy's taking her sleuthing to a whole new level as she accompanies her father to Los Angeles, though her dad thinks she's renounced sleuthing forever. After discovering a ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh N/A *** Out of Print ***
Umurku baru empat belas tahunAku dipaksa berhubungan seks oleh pacarku.Hanya satu kali, Tapi yang"satu kali"itu telah membuatku tertular...... HIV/AIDS!***Saya berulang kali menarik napas panjang dan menitikkan air mata membaca buku ini.-Baby Jim Aditya, aktivitas masalah gender, seksualitas, dan ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Gary Chapman *** Out of Print ***

Gary Chapman first penned the best-selling The Five Love Languages more than ten years ago. The core message has hit home with over 3 million people as it focuses on humanity's deepest emotional need: the need to 'feel' loved. This need is felt by married and singles alike. Dr. Chapman now ... [selengkapnya] |
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| | oleh Gary L. Gray
Rp 281.600 Rp 253.440 Plesha, Gray, and Costanzo's "Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics" presents the fundamental concepts, clearly, in a modern context using applications and pedagogical devices that connect with today's students. This text features a four-part problem-solving methodology that is consistently ... [selengkapnya]

The Hunger Games (Edisi Cover Film)
Dua puluh empat peserta. Hanya satu pemenang yang selamat.
Amerika Utara musnah sudah. Kini di bekasnya berdiri negara Panem, dengan Capitol sebagai pusat kota yang ...
