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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Michael Shattock"
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 books)


oleh Michael Shattock
Rp 533.500      Rp 480.150
'Michael Shattock, former registrar of Warwick, can lay claim to having invented the serious study of university governance in Britain' - "Public". How has university governance changed and developed over the last quarter of a century? How can people actively engaged in university governance manage ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Michael Shattock
Rp 830.500      Rp 747.450
'Michael Shattock, former registrar of Warwick, can lay claim to having invented the serious study of university governance in Britain' - "Public". How has university governance changed and developed over the last quarter of a century? How can people actively engaged in university governance manage ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Michael Shattock
Rp 533.500      Rp 480.150
"There is no truer text to the topic than Managing Successful Universities ... The second edition is a full revision in which globalisation, managing financial disjuncture and the enhancement of research performance all loom larger than before. Like its predecessor this book will be ...  [selengkapnya]

True Love Stories
Suka itu... ketika hati memuji akan hadirnya. Terpikat itu... ketika hati hanya ingin mengarahkan pandang kepadanya. Rindu itu... ketika hati tak henti membisikkan nama dan menaruh bayangannya pada ...   
