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oleh: Mary Rebecca Rivkha E,Rogacion RGS
> Psikologi » Umum & Dewasa

Penerbit :    Kanisius
Tgl Penerbitan :    2001-01-12
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    204
Ukuran :    148x210x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
"Your FACE: Your Destiny!" Do you know that your destiny is written all over your FACE? So why don't you take a look at the mirror now and decide for yourself what kind of a face you have. You will be able to tell your Essence by looking at your FACE and another person's by that person's FACE. Essence is everything about a person. Every person gets the face of an Essence which provides the parameters of behavior available to a person. The person's face holds the key to one's Essence. There are sixteen personality essences presented inside. This book can serve as a guide to all concerned with human development in all the fields of endeavor. The pictures demonstrate the facial and physical expressions of the Essence.

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