Hasil Pencarian untuk "MSC"
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 119 books)
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| 1. | 
| | oleh Alanah Kirby MSc DCR(R) ILTM, Margaret Cockbain BA DCR(R) SOR
Rp 385.000 Rp 346.500 This book gives a quick reference to plain radiological examinations and commonly performed contrast studies. It aids decision-making by providing information on the advantages and relevance of each technique, and by indicating any additional modalities currently being used.
| 2. | 
| | oleh Alberto J. Espay MD MSc, José Biller MD FACP FAAN FAHA
Rp 566.500 Rp 509.850
Concise Neurology presents neurology content in a logical sequence within each of ten chapters. Virtually every topic of interest to clinicians is covered in one or two pages to facilitate efficient review of the core concepts in diagnosis and treatment for each syndrome or disease. The ... [selengkapnya] |
| 3. | 
| | oleh Albertus Sujoko, MSC
Rp 90.000 Rp 76.500 Diyakini bahwa krisis yang melanda dunia berakar pada krisis moralitas. Sebagai orang kristiani, alasan hidup bermoral adalah keberadaan kita di dalam Kristus sebagai anak-anak Allah.
Buku ini menyajikan moralitas kristinai dalam perkembangan sejarahnya, sumber-sumber moral yang dipakainya, ... [selengkapnya]
| 4. | 
| | oleh Alex Khot MA MB BChir DCH, Andrew Polmear MA MSC FRCP FRCGP
Rp 605.000 Rp 544.500 Practical General Practice is a highly practical manual, specifically designed for use during the consultation process. Containing over 1000 conditions, the unique underlying structure of the book allows the GP to see immediately what treatment is recommended and why. All recommendations are ... [selengkapnya]
| 5. | 
| | oleh Allen Jeremias MD MSc, David L. Brown MD
Rp 2.638.900 Rp 2.375.010 The new edition of Cardiac Intensive Care-the only textbook dedicated to cardiac intensive care medicine-chronicles the progress made in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of patients with critical cardiac illness. Editors Allen Jeremias, MD, MSc and David L. Brown, MD present the landmark ... [selengkapnya]
| 6. | 
| | oleh Amber Appleton BSc(Hons) MBBS AKC, Olivia Vanbergen MBBS MSc MA(Oxon) DIC
Rp 495.000 Rp 445.500
The new series of Crash Course continues to provide readers with complete coverage of the MBBS curriculum in an easy-to-read, user-friendly manner. Building on the success of previous editions, the new Crash Courses retain the popular and unique features that so characterised the earlier ... [selengkapnya]
| 7. | 
| | oleh Anne Waugh BSc(Hons) MSc CertEd SRN RNT FHEA, Allison Grant BSc PhD RGN
Rp 669.900 Rp 602.910 This title is unique among textbooks in its appeal to a wide range of healthcare professionals including nurses, nursing students, students in the allied health professions and complementary / alternative medicine, paramedics and ambulance technicians. Each chapter provides an explanation of the ... [selengkapnya]
| 8. | 
| | oleh Ariane L. Herrick MD FRCP, J. Glynne Andrew MD FRCS(Orth), Lennard Funk BSc MBBCh FRCS MSc FRCS, Charles Hutchinson BSc MB ChB MD FRCR FFRRCSI
Rp 306.900 Rp 276.210
- Orthopaedics and Rheumatology In Focus is aimed at all medical and health science students who require an introductory, low cost and highly illustrated guide to this specialty. The material is presented in double page spreads. The left-hand page has a synoptic and highly structured ... [selengkapnya]
| 9. | 
| | oleh Barry Mitchell BSc MSc PhD FIBMS FIBiol, Ram Sharma BSc MSc PhD
Rp 275.000 Rp 247.500 EMBRYOLOGY provides a concise and highly illustrated text, which confines its descriptions to those that are relevant for modern undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses, and similar courses in other related disciplines. An appreciation of embryology is essential to understand topological ... [selengkapnya]
| 10. | 
| | oleh Barry Mitchell BSc MSc PhD FIBMS FIBiol, Ram Sharma BSc MSc PhD
Rp 457.600 Rp 411.840 EMBRYOLOGY provides a concise and highly illustrated text, which confines its descriptions to those that are relevant for modern undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses, and similar courses in other related disciplines. An appreciation of embryology is essential to understand topological ... [selengkapnya]
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Like the Flowing River - Seperti Sungai yang Mengalir
Seperti Sungai yang Mengalir berisi kumpulan renungan dan cerita pendek Paulo Coelho, kisah-kisah yang menggugah tentang kehidupan dan kematian, suratan takdir dan pilihan, cinta yang hilang dan ...
