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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Laurence Steinberg"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


Adolesence - 2010-00-00
oleh Laurence Steinberg
*** Out of Print ***
Paperback textbook in excellent condition. International edition - identical in all ways except paperback cover instead of hardcover one.  [selengkapnya]


The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting  - Hard Cover - 2004-04-27
oleh Laurence Steinberg
*** Out of Print ***

"For the most part, parenting is something we just do, without really giving it much thought," says Laurence Steinberg, one of the country's most distinguished psychologists. Most of us parent by instinct, he says, but with a better understanding of what works when you parent, and why, your ...  [selengkapnya]

Dont Die, My Love
Julie dan Luke sudah berpacaran sejak duduk di kelas 8 dan telah berjanji akan menikah bila dewasa nanti. Mereka merasa ditakdirkan untuk bersatu dan akan selalu bersama selamanya.
