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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Knopf Books for Young Readers"
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 books)


oleh Christopher Paolini
Rp 382.352      Rp 267.646
OATHS SWORN . . . loyalties tested . . . forces collide. Following the colossal battle against the Empire�s warriors on the Burning Plains, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have narrowly escaped with their lives. Still there is more at hand for the Rider and his dragon, as Eragon finds himself ...  [selengkapnya]


Lyra's Oxford: His Dark Materials  - Paperback - 2007-09-25
oleh Philip Pullman
Rp 130.000      Rp 110.500
An exciting new tale set in the world of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials saga. This collectible hardcover volume includes a short story by Mr. Pullman, plus a fold-out map of Oxford and various "souvenirs" from the past. The book is illustrated throughout with woodcut illustrations by John ...  [selengkapnya]


Inheritance (Inheritance, Book 4)  - Paperback - 0000-00-00
oleh Christopher Paolini
*** Out of Print ***
Not so very long ago, Eragon—Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider—was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders.

Long months of training and battle have brought ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Christopher Paolini
*** Out of Print ***
Not so very long ago, Eragon—Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider—was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders.

Long months of training and battle have brought ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Christopher Paolini
*** Out of Print ***
WITH THE HIGHLY anticipated publication of Book Three in the Inheritance cycle, the hardcover editions of all three books will be available in a handsome boxed set! ERAGON Fifteen-year-old Eragon believes that he is merely a poor farm boy�until his destiny as a Dragon Rider is ...  [selengkapnya]


Lyra's Oxford  - Hard Cover - 2003-10-00
oleh Philip Pullman
*** Out of Print ***
Attention all serious book collectors and fans of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. This undoubtedly beautiful package--cloth-bound in a classy red and adorned by numerous illustrations by master engraver and illustrator John Lawrence--is a must-purchase. A pint-sized pocket volume, ...  [selengkapnya]

Inspirasi Gaya Jumpsuit untuk Muslimah
Jumpsuit adalah busana terusan blus dan celana panjang yang memiliki bukaan risleting, baik di depan, samping, maupun belakang. Awalnya digunakan sebagai pakaian para pekerja bengkel, tambang, dan ...   
