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Hasil Pencarian untuk "John L. Cameron MD FACS FRCS(Eng) (hon) FRCS(Ed) (hon) FRCSI(hon)"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh John L. Cameron MD FACS FRCS(Eng) (hon) FRCS(Ed) (hon) FRCSI(hon)
Rp 2.069.100      Rp 1.862.190
Topics: The Current Treatment of Achalasia; The Current Surgical Management of Portal Hypertension; The Effective of Bariatric Surgery on Long Term Mortality; Volume and Outcome Results for Bariatric Surgery; The Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Nodules; VATS Resection of Peripheral ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John L. Cameron MD FACS FRCS(Eng) (hon) FRCS(Ed) (hon) FRCSI(hon), Andrew M Cameron MD PhD
Rp 1.787.500      Rp 1.608.750

Current Surgical Therapy is the resource surgeons trust most for practical, hands-on advice on the selection and implementation of the latest surgical approaches. Distinguished editors John L. Cameron and Andrew Cameron, together with hundreds of other preeminent contributing surgeons, discuss ...  [selengkapnya]

Sons of the Sun SHINEE in Barcelona

Photobook ini dilengkapi dengan cerita dan petunjuk wisata yang sangat lengkap dan detail tentang Barcelona.

Fotonya ...   
