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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Jeremy Allan"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh Dan Karlan, Allan Lazar, Jeremy Salter
*** Out of Print ***

From Santa Claus to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from Uncle Sam to Uncle Tom, here is a compelling, eye-opening, and endlessly entertaining compendium of fictional trendsetters and world-shakers who have helped shape our culture and our lives. The 101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived ...  [selengkapnya]


Jakarta Jive  - Soft Cover - 2001-00-00
oleh Jeremy Allan
*** Out of Print ***
The months following the fall of Soeharto in May 1998 comprise one of the most tumultuous periods of modern Indonesia history. Many Indonesians refer to those months as the jaman edan, a poetic term for a chaotic time when evil is rewarded and good punished. The jaman edan, while a time of horror ...  [selengkapnya]

Paket Mega Bestseller
7 Keajaiban Rezeki Ippoh dalam bukunya seolah-olah bicara langsung dengan pembaca dengan bahasa-bahasa yang sangat mudah dipahami dan sedikit humor. Sekelumit isi buku ini adalah : 1. Sidik ...   
