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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Jeffrey S. Harrison, Caron H. St. John"

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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:

oleh Jeffrey Gitomer
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Craig Deegan
Rp 660.000      Rp 594.000
This text is written in an appropriate style to provide material in an accessible way to both students and lecturers, and presents 'real-life' illustrations. These examples are reproduced from relevant newspaper articles and are totally European and UK in focus. This book is ideal for students who ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Jeffrey Gitomer
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Jeffrey Gitomer
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Jeffrey Gitomer
*** Out of Print ***


oleh J. Jameson
Rp 468.600      Rp 421.740

Endocrinology--with all the authority of HARRISON'S

A Doody's Core Title for 2011!

"It is intended for students, residents, and fellows interested in endocrinology. It also serves as a good reference source or review book for ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Dennis Kasper, Anthony Fauci
Rp 616.000      Rp 554.400

The authority of Harrison's in a handy, full-color paperback devoted exclusively to Infectious Diseases

"This book provides all the latest knowledge in the field and is supported by the scientific rigor and reliability that have ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Bruce A. Chabner, Dan L. Longo, Thomas J. Lynch
Rp 825.000      Rp 742.500
The full spectrum of oncology medications -- backed by the authority of Harrison's!

From today's leading clinicians in cancer care comes this comprehensive yet portable guide to the major chemotherapeutic and supportive care agents in oncology. Full of never-before-published ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Stephen Hauser, Scott Josephson
Rp 550.000      Rp 495.000

The authority of Harrison's in a handy, full-color paperback devoted exclusively to Neurology in Clinical Medicine

"...continues to be a hallmark work that provides a fundamental approach to understanding clinical neurology and at the same time presents ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Dan Longo, Anthony Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo
Rp 1.331.400      Rp 1.198.260
The most trusted textbook in medicine featuring the acclaimed Harrison's DVD with 57 additional chapters and exclusive video and tutorials Now presented in TWO VOLUMES As reviwed by JAMA: "With the 18th edition, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine retains its standing as a definitive ...  [selengkapnya]

Rp 462.000      Rp 415.800

Everything you would expect from Harrison's -- and more!

"This book provides an important contribution to the field of internal medicine and rheumatology....I think that this book is a very worthy contribution to the field of ...  [selengkapnya]

Rp 511.500      Rp 460.350

Everything you would expect from Harrison's -- and more!

"This book provides an important contribution to the field of internal medicine and rheumatology....I think that this book is a very worthy contribution to the field of ...  [selengkapnya]

Rp 216.000      Rp 194.400

oleh Andrea Ata Ujan
*** Out of Print ***

Teori Rawls berangkat dari kritiknya terhadap teori-teori keadilan sebelumnya yang dinilainya terlalu bersifat utilitaristis dan intuisionis. Rawls melihat teori keadilannya sebagai sebuah konsep politik, maka penataan struktur-struktur sosial dasar menjadi fokus utama teorinya. Buku ini merupakan ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Yona Zeldis,Mc Donough
*** Out of Print ***

- Seorang bocah kurus dan sakit-sakitan yang selalu menjadi bayangan kakaknya - Pahlawan dalam Perang Dunia II yang menyelamatkan awak kapalnya yang tenggelam di Samudra Pasifik - Presiden AS Katolik pertama dan termuda yang pernah terpilih  [selengkapnya]

oleh William Hart Hayt
Rp 280.500      Rp 252.450
Engineering Electromagnetics is a "classic" book that has been updated for electromagnetics in today's world. It is designed for introductory courses in electromagnetics or electromagnetic field theory at the junior-level, but can also be used as a professional reference. This widely respected book ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh George Weigel
*** Out of Print ***

Witness To Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel is as comprehensive a biography of its subject as can be hoped for while the Pope still lives. Weigel, a journalist who came to the Pope's attention after the publication of his book, The Final Revolution: The Resistance ...  [selengkapnya]

John McCain: Rival Obama, Monster Baru Gedung Putih?
oleh Cliff Schecter
Rp 49.900      Rp 32.435
Siapa sebenarnya John McCain, calon presiden Amerika Serikat dari Partai Republik itu? Apakah ia akan lebih baik daripada pendahulunya, George W. Bush, atau lebih buruk? Bagaimana bila dibandingkan dengan rivalnya, Barack Obama? Inilah sebagian fakta �sisi gelap� John McCain yang telah ...  [selengkapnya]

*** Out of Print ***

Seri Tokoh Dunia atau STD adalah kisah seorang tokoh (sains/politik, kemanusiaan, dll) dalam bentuk komik, yang memudahkan anak-anak untuk mengingat tokoh yang disukainya.


oleh Rio Rinaldo
Rp 31.000      Rp 26.350
Plis ya, gue nggak bermaksud ngerendahin mereka yang kegemukan ya, tapi secara gue, waktu SMA itu, kan berbadan model en junkies banget. Tinggi gue 173 cm dan berat gue 52 kg! Jadi wajar dong, kalo gue ngarep si Dara Manis, cewek yang suka sama gue itu catet, SUKA sama gue itu juga seenggaknya, ...  [selengkapnya]

Rumah di Seribu Ombak
Tahukah kau mengapa Tuhan menciptakan langit dan laut? Semata agar kita tahu, dalam perbedaan, ada batas yang membuat mereka tampak indah dipandang.

Aku melihat lagi langit di atas ...   
