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Schaum's Outline of Nursing Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (Schaum's Outline Series)

Schaum's Outline of Nursing Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (Schaum's Outline Series) 
oleh: James Keogh
> Buku Impor » Schaum

List Price :   Rp 275.000
Your Price :    Rp 247.500 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    McGraw-Hill
ISBN :    0071736506
ISBN-13 :    9780071736503
Tgl Penerbitan :    2010-10-26
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    320
Ukuran :    204x274x18 mm
Berat :    522 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:

Study faster, learn better, and get top grades

Modified to conform to the current curriculum, Schaum's Outline of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests for Nursing complements these courses in scope and sequence to help you understand its basic concepts. The book offers extra practice on topics such as guidelines for proper test preparation and performance, stool tests, urine studies, x-ray studies, manometric studies, ultrasound studies, etc. You’ll also get coverage of electrodiagnostic tests, blood studies, nuclear scanning, fluid analysis studies, microscopic studies, and endoscopic studies. Appropriate for the following course: nursing diagnosis.


  • 500 review questions with answers
  • Relevant examples and extensive end-of-chapter exercises motivate students to understand new material and reinforce acquired skills
  • Support for all the major textbooks for nursing diagnosis courses

Topics include: Hematology Tests, Electrolytes, Arterial Blood Gases Test, Liver Tests, Cardiac Enzymes and Markers Tests, Serologic Tests, Endocrine Tests, Glucose Tests, Tumor Markers, Pregnancy and Genetic Tests, Infection Tests, Renal Function Tests, Pancreas and Lipid Metabolism Tests, Diagnostic Radiologic Tests, Computed Tomography (CT) Scan, Ultrasound Scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) SCAN, Biopsy, Cardiovascular Tests and Procedure, Lungs Tests and Procedures, Women Tests and Procedures, Maternity Tests, Chest, Abdominal, Urinary Tract Tests, Bones Muscles Tests, Men Tests, Feet Tests, Skin Tests, Sinus, Ears, Nose, Throat (ENT) Tests and Sinus, Vision Tests and Procedures

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