Hasil Pencarian untuk "HarperTeen"
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 15 books)
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| 1. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print ***
Avalon High seems like a typical high school, attended by typical students: There's Lance, the jock. Jennifer, the cheerleader. And Will, senior class president, quarterback, and all-around good guy. But not everybody at Avalon High is who they appear to be ... not even, as new student ... [selengkapnya]
| 2. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print ***
Do you want to be popular? Everyone wants to be popular—or at least, Stephanie Landry does. Steph's been the least popular girl in her class since a certain cherry Super Big Gulp catastrophe five years earlier. Does being popular matter? It matters very ... [selengkapnya]
| 3. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print ***
Katie Ellison is not a liar. It's just that telling the truth is so . . . tricky. She knows she shouldn't be making out with a drama club hottie behind her football-player boyfriend's back. She should probably admit that she can't stand eating quahogs (clams), especially since she's ... [selengkapnya]
| 4. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print *** It would seem that 14-year-old Mia Thermopolis ("five foot nine inches tall, with no visible breasts, feet the size of snowshoes") has the kind of life every Manhattan teenager could only dream of: She is, in her spare time, the princess of the European country of Genovia. Alas, the Royal ... [selengkapnya]
| 5. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print ***
What on earth is that princess up to now? Hammer in hand, Princess Mia embarks on an epic adventure for one so admittedly unhandy: Along with her cohorts from school, she's off to build houses for the less fortunate. It doesn't take Mia long to realize that helping others -- while an ... [selengkapnya]
| 6. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot, Stephenie Meyer, Kim Harrison, Lauren Myracle, Michele Jaffe *** Out of Print ***
In this exciting collection, bestselling authors Meg Cabot (How to Be Popular), Kim Harrison (A Fistful of Charms), Michele Jaffe (Bad Kitty), Stephenie Meyer (Twilight), and Lauren Myracle (ttyl) take bad prom nights to a whole new level�a paranormally bad ... [selengkapnya]
| 7. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print ***
Top ten things Samantha Madison isn't ready for: 10. Spending Thanksgiving at Camp David 9. With her boyfriend, the president's son 8. Who wants to take things to the Next Level 7. Which Sam inadvertently announces live on MTV 6. While discussing the ... [selengkapnya]
| 8. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print ***
Suze is a mediator -- a liaison between the living and the dead. In other words, she sees dead people. And they won't leave her alone until she helps them resolve their unfinished business with the living. But Jesse, the hot ghost haunting her bedroom, doesn't seem to need her help. Which is a ... [selengkapnya]
| 9. | 
| | oleh Cindy Post Senning, Peggy Post *** Out of Print ***
Let's face it, how we behave is a choice, and as you move into adult life, the choices get more complicated. You are out in the world, meeting all kinds of people and going different places on your own. Questions of etiquette seem to pop up everywhere you go:
| 10. | 
| | oleh Meg Cabot *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
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Kau menganggapku seorang putri, bukan? Lalu, apa jadinya jika kau tahu, sosok putri yang diam-diam menyergap hatimu ini hanya seorang makhluk aneh kesepian, yang kehilangan jati dirinya. Apakah cinta ...
