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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Gina Ford"
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 books)


The New Contented Little Baby Book  - Soft Cover - 2013-03-00
The Secret to Calm and Confident Parenting
oleh Gina Ford
Rp 275.000
You've just had a baby.
Everything is perfect.
Then the hospital sends you home-
without an instruction manual….

Baby expert Gina Ford comes to the rescue with her newly revised hour-by-hour, week-by-week guide. One of Great Britain’s top ...  [selengkapnya]


From Contented Baby to Confident Child  - Paperback - 2000-02-11
oleh Gina Ford
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Gina Ford
*** Out of Print ***


The New Contented Little Baby Book  - Paperback - 2002-07-03
oleh Gina Ford
*** Out of Print ***
Written by a respected maternity nurse, this text addresses the issue of sleep-starved nights, inconsolable crying and feeding on demand - stories that make the prospect of bringing a tiny baby home for the first time daunting for any proud parent. The book features input from clients, readers and ...  [selengkapnya]

I am Malala
"Malala menjadi simbol kebaikan yang ada dalam diri kita. Karya yang dia kerjakan jauh lebih mulia di hadapan Tuhan dibandingkan yang dilakukan para teroris yang mengatasnamakan agama. Kami akan ...   
