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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:
| | oleh Kate Mayfield & Malcolm Levene *** Out of Print ***
Buku psychology yang berbentuk novel, menceritakan kisah seorang gadis modern bernama Ellie Hart. Ellie hidup untuk bekerja, megejar tenggat waktu, selalu terlambat untuk janji temu, mengecewakan teman dan keluarganya, bersikap keras terhadap kolega, dan bahkan tidak sempat mengurus dirinya ... [selengkapnya]
| | *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Patrick W. Tank, Thomas R. Gest
Rp 533.500 Rp 480.150
Featuring more than 750 new, modern images, the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy is a vibrantly colored regional atlas of human anatomy offering an unprecedented combination of visual aesthetic appeal and anatomical accuracy. Many student-friendly features set this ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh John Schorge, Joseph Schaffer, Lisa Halvorson, Barbara Hoffman, Karen Bradshaw, F. Cunningham
Rp 869.000 Rp 782.100
The first guide to bridge the gap between medical and surgical gynecology A Doody's Core Title Written by clinicians from the same department of Obstetrics and Gynecology responsible for the landmark bestseller Williams Obstetrics, this full-color text ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Barbara Hoffman, John Schorge, Joseph Schaffer, Lisa Halvorson, Karen Bradshaw, F. Cunningham
Rp 1.023.000 Rp 920.700
The only gynecology resource that combines a full-color text and a procedural atlas—revised and updated Part medical text, part surgical atlas, Williams Gynecology is written by the renowned team of ob-gyn clinicians at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital who are responsible for the ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh William H. Bartsch
Rp 563.200 Rp 506.880
In December 1941, the War Department sent two transports and a freighter carrying 103 P-40 fighters and their pilots to the Philipines to bolster Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s Far East Air Force. They were then diverted to Australia, with new orders to ferry the P-40s to the Philippines from ... [selengkapnya] |
| | oleh James L. Hiatt, Leslie P. Gartner
Rp 951.500 Rp 856.350
Now in full color, the Fourth Edition of this classic text combines concise yet complete coverage of head and neck anatomy with superb photographs, drawings, and tables to provide students with a thorough understanding of this vital subject. This edition contains basic anatomic information ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh WERNER *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh LICHTMAN
Rp 217.000 Rp 195.300 [selengkapnya]
| | oleh LEVENO
Rp 145.000 Rp 130.500 [selengkapnya]
| | oleh HOFFMAN *** Out of Print ***
| | Rp 742.500 Rp 668.250
Completely updated and rewritten to meet the specific needs of physical therapist assistants, this Second Edition focuses on the implementation of treatment plans and intervention using the appropriate therapeutic exercise techniques. The book describes a wide variety of therapeutic ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Lisa DeStefano
Rp 880.000 Rp 792.000
Greenman's Principles of Manual Medicine has been fully updated and expanded for its Fourth Edition. This practical guide covers the foundations of manual medicine as well as specific techniques for diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal pain. More than 1,000 photographs combined with ... [selengkapnya] |
| | oleh Mary Goodbody
Rp 330.000 Rp 297.000 Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, coffee: Everyone has a favorite flavor of ice cream. As a simple treat on a hot summer afternoon or an elegant finish to a special meal, ice cream is a versatile dessert that is delightfully easy to make at home. Williams-Sonoma Collection Ice Cream offers ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Thomas R. Browne, Gregory L. Holmes
Rp 550.000 Rp 495.000
Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, this best-selling pocket reference is a practical point-of-care guide to the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. In an easy-to-use outline format, the book provides complete, clinically focused information on seizure classification, epilepsies ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Thomas R. Browne, Gregory L. Holmes
Rp 577.500 Rp 519.750
Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, this best-selling pocket reference is a practical point-of-care guide to the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. In an easy-to-use outline format, the book provides complete, clinically focused information on seizure classification, epilepsies ... [selengkapnya]
| | Rp 577.500 Rp 519.750
Geared to a wide readership of practicing clinicians and trainees in primary care medicine and gastroenterology, this handbook offers practical information on Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Coverage begins with the patient's first visit and proceeds through the diagnostic workup: ... [selengkapnya]
| | Rp 440.000 Rp 396.000
This popular handbook is a practical guide for physicians, surgeons, nurses, and other professionals who manage kidney transplant patients. It is concise, readable, and well-illustrated. Chapters outline the major concerns surrounding renal transplantation and the most successful approaches ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Sara Butler, Ramaswamy Govindan
Rp 715.000 Rp 643.500
Essential Cancer Pharmacology: The Prescriber's Guide provides quick-reference information about cancer medications and supportive care medications commonly used or prescribed for cancer patients. This portable guide focuses on information a clinician needs on a daily basis. ... [selengkapnya] |
| | oleh Christopher S. Wilcox
Rp 467.500 Rp 420.750
Now in its Sixth Edition, this manual offers a concise, thorough guide for treating patients with a wide range of kidney disorders and hypertension. It features brief, focused chapters with abundant tables and algorithms. Coverage includes practical information on renal transplant and ... [selengkapnya]