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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Edward Elgar Pub"
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 books)


Rp 2.772.000      Rp 2.494.800
The Handbook of Employee Engagement contains cutting edge contributions from a wide array of world-class scholars and consultants on state-of-the-art topics key to the science and the practice of employee engagement. The volume presents comprehensive and global perspectives to help researchers and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Kristina Tamm Hallstrom
Rp 2.365.000      Rp 2.128.500
This book investigates the ways in which global standardization organizations establish, negotiate, and maintain their authority and legitimacy, thereby inducing companies, states, and other organizations to adopt and implement the voluntary standards they produce.

The book examines the ...  [selengkapnya]


Rp 1.636.800      Rp 1.473.120
"Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development" highlights the opportunities and risks of nature-based tourism for economic development and explores selected strategies for sustainability. The prospect of tourism growth is a potential source of major challenges and considerable threats on a number ...  [selengkapnya]

Inspirasi Gaya Jumpsuit untuk Muslimah
Jumpsuit adalah busana terusan blus dan celana panjang yang memiliki bukaan risleting, baik di depan, samping, maupun belakang. Awalnya digunakan sebagai pakaian para pekerja bengkel, tambang, dan ...   
