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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Douglas Preston"
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 books)


THE ETERNITY  - Soft Cover - 2008-07-00
Misteri Berusia Ratusan Tahun Kembali Terkuak, Puluhan Orang Tewas Mengenaskan Demi Obsesi Keabadian Untuk Memusnahkan Umat Manusia
oleh Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
Rp 74.500      Rp 63.325
Manhattan, New York, tahun 1870-1880. Tiga puluh enam pria dan wanita tewas dimutilasi. Mereka dibedah dalam keadaan hidup untuk diambil cauda equina-nya (kumpulan saraf di sumsum tulang belakang). Pelakunya adalah seorang ilmuwan eksentrik, Enoch Leng, yang ingin menciptakan ramuan keabadian guna ...  [selengkapnya]


Tyrannosaur Canyon  - Mass Market Paperback - 2006-08-29
oleh Douglas Preston
*** Out of Print ***

About the Author

DOUGLAS PRESTON has worked for the American Museum of Natural History as well as with his frequent collaborator, Lincoln Child. He has authored such bestselling thrillers as Brimstone, The Cabinet of Curiosities, and Relic. His ...  [selengkapnya]


Tyrannosaur Canyon  - Paperback - 2006-00-00
oleh Douglas Preston
*** Out of Print ***

About the Author

DOUGLAS PRESTON has worked for the American Museum of Natural History as well as with his frequent collaborator, Lincoln Child. He has authored such bestselling thrillers as Brimstone, The Cabinet of Curiosities, and Relic. His ...  [selengkapnya]


Still Life with Crows (Pendergast, Book 4)  - Mass Market Paperback - 2004-06-00
oleh Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
*** Out of Print ***
A small Kansas town has turned into a killing ground.Is it a serial killer, a man with the need to destroy?Or is it a darker force, a curse upon the land?Amid golden cornfields, FBI Special Agent Pendergast discovers evil in the blood of America's heartland.  [selengkapnya]


The Book of the Dead (Pendergast, Book 7)  - Mass Market Paperback - 2007-01-07
oleh Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
*** Out of Print ***
A brilliant FBI agent, rotting away in a high security prison for a murder he did not commit. His brilliant, psychotic brother, about to perpetrate a horrific crime. A young woman with an extraordinary past, on the edge of a violent breakdown. An ancient Egyptian tomb about to be unveiled at a ...  [selengkapnya]

1 Jam Membuat Boneka Mungil dari Kain Felt
Kain felt adalah sejenis flanel yang lebih tebal dan kaku. Kain yang berwarna-warni ini sangat cocok untuk dibuat berbagai jenis kerajinan tangan. Salah satu kreasi itu adalah membuat aneka boneka ...   
