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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


Still Life with Crows (Pendergast, Book 4)  - Mass Market Paperback - 2004-06-00
oleh Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
*** Out of Print ***
A small Kansas town has turned into a killing ground.Is it a serial killer, a man with the need to destroy?Or is it a darker force, a curse upon the land?Amid golden cornfields, FBI Special Agent Pendergast discovers evil in the blood of America's heartland.  [selengkapnya]


The Book of the Dead (Pendergast, Book 7)  - Mass Market Paperback - 2007-01-07
oleh Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
*** Out of Print ***
A brilliant FBI agent, rotting away in a high security prison for a murder he did not commit. His brilliant, psychotic brother, about to perpetrate a horrific crime. A young woman with an extraordinary past, on the edge of a violent breakdown. An ancient Egyptian tomb about to be unveiled at a ...  [selengkapnya]

Paket Mega Bestseller
7 Keajaiban Rezeki Ippoh dalam bukunya seolah-olah bicara langsung dengan pembaca dengan bahasa-bahasa yang sangat mudah dipahami dan sedikit humor. Sekelumit isi buku ini adalah : 1. Sidik ...   
