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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Dean Koontz"
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Relentless - Tak Kenal Ampun   - Soft Cover - 2010-11-12
oleh Dean Koontz
Rp 84.900      Rp 72.165
Novelis terkenal Cullen “Cubby” Greenwich dicela oleh kritikus yang banyak ditakuti, Shearman Waxx, melalui review yang muncul di surat kabar nasional terkemuka. Justru itulah yang ingin dilakukan oleh Cubby, mengabaikan sang kritikus itu. Tapi Shearman Waxx tidaklah seperti yang Cubby kira. ...  [selengkapnya]


The Husband - Kisah Cinta Sejati  - Soft Cover - 2007-07-00
oleh Dean Koontz
Rp 47.500      Rp 40.375
Mitch seorang pria bersahaja. Ia menjalani hidup dengan penuh kesederhanaan. Baginya, kesahajaan adalah kesempurnaan. Namun sayang, di suatu sore, sedering telepon membalik kehidupannya. Seorang pria mengaku menculik istrinya dan meminta tebusan sebesar dua juta dolar. Jika dalam tempo tiga hari ...  [selengkapnya]


The Novelist   - Soft Cover - 2011-10-00
oleh Dean Koontz
Rp 84.900      Rp 72.165
Kehidupan Cullen "Cubby" Greenwich, novelis andal dan terkenal, berubah seratus delapan puluh derajat. Shearman Waxx, seorang kritikus novel yang disegani, tak menyukai tulisan Cubby. Pena beracunnya bahkan membahayakan hidup Cubby dan keluarganya. Cubby pun harus menghadapi ancaman seorang ...  [selengkapnya]


Brother Odd (Odd Thomas Novels)  - Hard Cover - 2006-11-28
oleh Dean Koontz
*** Out of Print ***
Loop me in, odd one. The words, spoken in the deep of night by a sleeping child, chill
the young man watching over her. For this was a favorite phrase of Stormy Llewellyn,
his lost love, and Stormy is dead, gone forever from this world. In the haunted halls of
the isolated ...  [selengkapnya]


Cold Fire  - Paperback - 2004-07-12
oleh Dean Koontz
*** Out of Print ***
On an impulse, schoolteacher Jim Ironheart flies to Portland, Oregon without understanding why. There he saves a boy from being killed by a drunk driver and is observed by Holly Thorne.

She tracks Jim to California, and their lives intertwine on one of Jim's lifesaving missions. Surviving a ...  [selengkapnya]


FOREVER ODD (ODD THOMAS, NO 2)  - Paperback - 2006-00-00
*** Out of Print ***


Forever Odd: A Novel  - Hard Cover - 2005-11-29
oleh Dean Koontz
*** Out of Print ***


Hideaway  - Paperback - 2005-05-07
oleh Dean Koontz
*** Out of Print ***
He was clinically dead after the accident--but was miraculously revived. Now Hatch Harrison and his wife approach each day with a new appreciation for life.

But something has come back with Hatch from the other side. A terrible presence that links his mind to a psychotic's, so that a force ...  [selengkapnya]


Intensity  - Mass Market Paperback - 2000-10-31
oleh Dean Koontz
*** Out of Print ***
A young woman staying as a guest in a Napa Valley farmhouse becomes trapped in a fight for survival with a self-proclaimed "homicidal adventurer", and races to warn his next intended victim. Unrelentingly terrifying, this book lives up to its name.  [selengkapnya]


Life Expectancy  - Paperback - 2005-01-08
oleh Dean Koontz
*** Out of Print ***
With his bestselling blend of nail-biting intensity, daring artistry, and storytelling magic, Dean Koontz returns with an emotional roller coaster of a tale filled with enough twists, turns, shocks, and surprises for ten ordinary novels. Here is the story of five days in the life of an ordinary man ...  [selengkapnya]

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Who Wants to be an Options Entrepreneur (Bonus DVD)
We are Born for Success Not a Failure Kita Terlahir Sukses Bukan Gagal Barangkali options trading, satu-satunya bisnis saya, juga bisa menjadi bisnis sampingan Anda. Think about it! Pada era ...   
