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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:
| | Rp 403.700 Rp 363.330 overall good condition. no marks on pages, slight wear on cover. [selengkapnya]
| | oleh J. Jameson
Rp 468.600 Rp 421.740
Endocrinology--with all the authority of HARRISON'S A Doody's Core Title for 2011! 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "It is intended for students, residents, and fellows interested in endocrinology. It also serves as a good reference source or review book for ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Dennis Kasper, Anthony Fauci
Rp 616.000 Rp 554.400
The authority of Harrison's in a handy, full-color paperback devoted exclusively to Infectious Diseases 5 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This book provides all the latest knowledge in the field and is supported by the scientific rigor and reliability that have ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Bruce A. Chabner, Dan L. Longo, Thomas J. Lynch
Rp 825.000 Rp 742.500 The full spectrum of oncology medications -- backed by the authority of Harrison's! From today's leading clinicians in cancer care comes this comprehensive yet portable guide to the major chemotherapeutic and supportive care agents in oncology. Full of never-before-published ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Stephen Hauser, Scott Josephson
Rp 550.000 Rp 495.000
The authority of Harrison's in a handy, full-color paperback devoted exclusively to Neurology in Clinical Medicine "...continues to be a hallmark work that provides a fundamental approach to understanding clinical neurology and at the same time presents ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Dan Longo, Anthony Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo
Rp 1.331.400 Rp 1.198.260 The most trusted textbook in medicine featuring the acclaimed Harrison's DVD with 57 additional chapters and exclusive video and tutorials Now presented in TWO VOLUMES
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"With the 18th edition, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine retains its standing as a definitive ... [selengkapnya]
| | Rp 462.000 Rp 415.800
Everything you would expect from Harrison's -- and more! 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This book provides an important contribution to the field of internal medicine and rheumatology....I think that this book is a very worthy contribution to the field of ... [selengkapnya]
| | Rp 511.500 Rp 460.350
Everything you would expect from Harrison's -- and more! 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This book provides an important contribution to the field of internal medicine and rheumatology....I think that this book is a very worthy contribution to the field of ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh WIENER
Rp 216.000 Rp 194.400 [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Charles Sala, Jean-Marie Clarke, Robyn Ayers *** Out of Print ***
| | David di Tengah Angkara Goliath Dunia oleh Muhsin Labib, Ibrahim Muharam, Musa Kazhim, Alfian Hamzah *** Out of Print ***
"Jika nuklir ini dinilai jelek dan kami tidak boleh menguasai dan memilikinya, mengapa kalian sebagai adikuasa memilikinya? Sebaliknya, jika teknonuklir ini baik bagi kalian, mengapa kami tidak boleh juga memakainya?"Masihkan ada negara yang berani menantang Amerika? Jawabannya, ada. Satu dari ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Bang Iyus
Rp 29.500 Rp 25.075 Hah? David Bekam alih profesi? Nggak jadi pemain sepak bola lagi? Hush! David Bekam di sini adalah tukang bekam, bukan pemain sepakbola yang terkenal, bukan pula pembalap getek internasional (emang ada?). Nama aslinya adalah David Pid Alaipid Kudalari Kejepid.
Ia pintar menyembuhkan beragam ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh David H. Rosenbloom *** Out of Print ***
 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is one of the most widely adopted books for both undergraduate and graduate levels. The basis of its appeal is the authors' utilization of the three-part framework of management, politics, and the law. The themes in the text correspond to these three perspectives that are ... [selengkapnya]
| | *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Charles Dickens *** Out of Print ***
| | oleh Susan Abulhawa
Rp 59.000 Rp 41.300 1955. Amal terlahir di kamp pengungsi Jenin sebagai anak terakhir Dalia. Laksana kuncup bunga yang mekar, dia tumbuh dengan keceriaan lugu seorang anak. Tetapi segalanya berubah ketika perang membuat Amal menyaksikan kematian, darah, dan kehancuran.
Kisah David dan Amal menjalin indah saga yang ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Javier Salatares *** Out of Print ***
Komik untuk semua umur yang menceritakan kisah pertualangan yang seru bersama Raja Daud dan pahlawanpahlawannya yang perkasa dan aneh, namun dihormati. Ada dua cerita dalam satu buku ini. [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Ted Beckham *** Out of Print ***
 David Beckham is both a brilliant footballer and a global icon. The slightest story about his life generates huge media coverage. But those truly close to him have never given their side of his incredible journeyuntil now. Ted Beckhams story is the ultimate dream of every father who has kicked a ... [selengkapnya]
| | Ketika Si Lemah Menang Melawan Raksasa oleh Malcolm Gladwell
Rp 70.000 Rp 59.500 Nama Daud dan Goliat mewakili pertarungan antara si lemah dan raksasa. Kemenangan Daud tak terduga dan ajaib. Seharusnya dia tidak menang.
Benarkah demikian?
Gladwell menantang cara kita berpikir tentang rintangan dan kelemahan, arti diskriminasi, menghadapi cacat, kehilangan orangtua, masuk ... [selengkapnya]
| | oleh Eldon D. Enger
Rp 280.500 Rp 252.450 Written by Enger, Ross, and Bailey, "Concepts in Biology" is a relatively brief introductory general biology text written for students with no previous science background. The authors strive to use the most accessible vocabulary and writing style possible while still maintaining scientific ... [selengkapnya]