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Hasil Pencarian untuk "DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)"
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 books)


Essentials  - Hard Cover - 2005-01-00
oleh Tom Peters
*** Out of Print ***


Essentials  - Hard Cover - 2005-01-00
oleh Tom Peters
*** Out of Print ***


Essentials  - Hard Cover - 2005-01-00
oleh Tom Peters
*** Out of Print ***


Rock and Gem  - Hard Cover - 2005-01-00
oleh Ra Bonewitz
*** Out of Print ***
A fascinating encyclopedic reference on rocks and gems, including their identification, composition, and their use. The many feature boxes cover topics such as the Malachite room in the Winter Palace and the collection of the Hope Diamond and the superstitions surrounding it.  [selengkapnya]


oleh Tom Peters
*** Out of Print ***

Al-Qur'an Kitab Cinta
Dengan pemikiran yang logis dan bahasa yang menyentuh, Dr. Said Ramadhan Al-Buthy mengajak kita menggali Al-Qur’an untuk menemukan rahasia mendapatkan cinta Ilahi. Tidak mudah memang, tetapi ulama ...   
