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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Cornelis De Kluyver"
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oleh Cornelis De Kluyver
Rp 398.200      Rp 358.380
The globalization of the competitive landscape has forced companies to fundamentally rethink their strategies. Whereas once only a few industries such as oil could be labeled truly global, today many from pharmaceuticals to aircraft to computers have become global in scale and scope. As a ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Cornelis A. De Kluyver, John A. Pearce
*** Out of Print ***

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

Gain a strategic edge in today’s business world.

This short, up-to-date, practitioner-oriented guide was meant to effectively ...  [selengkapnya]

Three Nights with a Scoundrel
Bernapas adalah hal yang mudah dilakukan. Tapi tidak saat sang lady menatapnya penuh gairah...  

Julian Bellamy menganggap Leo Chatswick, pendiri Klub Stud yang elite itu, seperti ...   
