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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Chris Miller"
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 books)


oleh Chris H. Miller BA MS PhD, Charles John Palenik MS PhD MBA
Rp 522.500      Rp 470.250
Maintain safety and infection control in the dental office with Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team, Fourth Edition. This practical and comprehensive resource covers the basic concepts of infectious disease and infection control, including step-by-step ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Chris Mackey, Greg Miller
*** Out of Print ***
More than 3,000 prisoners in the war on terrorism have been captured, held, and interrogated in Afghanistan alone.But no one knows what transpired in those interactions between prisoner and interrogator-until now. In THE INTERROGATORS, Chris Hogan, the senior interrogator at Bagram Air Base and in ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Chris Miller
*** Out of Print ***
The creator of Animal House at last tells the real story ofthe fraternity that inspired the iconic film--a story far more outrageous(and funny!) than any movie could ever capture.Animal House, the film adaptation of stories Chris Miller published inNational Lampoon about his experiences at a ...  [selengkapnya]


Blood Money   - Soft Cover - 2007-04-00
oleh T. Christian Miller
*** Out of Print ***
Menghabiskan Jutaan Dolar, Mengorbankan Puluhan Ribu Nyawa, Perusahaan Rakus di Irak Selubung Persekongkolan... Tak Lain Tak Bukan Motif Pendudukan Irak : UANG HARAM Wartawan senior Los Angeles Times, T. Christian Miller, adalah satu-satunya wartawan yang berani membongkar jejak uang di Irak. ...  [selengkapnya]

1 Jam Membuat Boneka Mungil dari Kain Felt
Kain felt adalah sejenis flanel yang lebih tebal dan kaku. Kain yang berwarna-warni ini sangat cocok untuk dibuat berbagai jenis kerajinan tangan. Salah satu kreasi itu adalah membuat aneka boneka ...   
