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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Carroll "
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Barack Obama in His Own Words  - Paperback - 2007-03-07
oleh Barack Obama
*** Out of Print ***
Since delivering his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama has been hailed as the clear savior of not only the Democratic party, but of the integrity of American politics. Despite the fact that he burst onto the national scene seemingly overnight, his name ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Frank Giles
*** Out of Print ***
Napoleon Bonaparte never set foot on English soil, although he was held aboard a warship off the coast of Devon after his surrender to the Royal Navy in 1815. Nor did he ever admit to being a prisoner. With its focus on the last six years of Napoleon’s life—from his arrival at ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Arthur L. Boyd
*** Out of Print ***
At the height of the Korean War, President Truman launched one of the most important intelligence - gathering operations in history. So valuable were the mission’s findings about the North Korean-Soviet-Chinese alliance that it is no stretch to say they prevented World War III. Only one ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Mark A. MacKinnon
*** Out of Print ***
When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the Soviet Union collapsed two years later, liberal democracy was supposed to fill the void left by Soviet Communism. Poland and Czechoslovakia made the best of reforms, but the citizens of the “Evil Empire” itself saw little of the promised ...  [selengkapnya]

Yes, I'm a Model
Dunia model sangat menyenangkan banyak yang bilang begitu! Kalo gak menyenangkan, ngapain banyak sekolah model, agensi, kompetisi model. Banyak berbondong-bondong menjadi model lewat berbagai cara, ...   
