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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Brill Academic Pub"
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 books)


oleh Vicki Ellen Szabo
Rp 2.552.000      Rp 2.296.800
Medieval people viewed whales in complex and contradictory ways, as marvelous, monstrous or mundane, heaven-sent or hell-bent.  [selengkapnya]


oleh Michele Zelinsky Hanson
Rp 5.461.500      Rp 4.915.350


oleh Alnoor Dhanani
Rp 1.740.200      Rp 1.566.180
This work reconstructs the theories of matter and space of the "mutakallimun" of the 10th and 11th centuries. It uses texts which have only become available recently. The work presents material which challenges previous understanding of "kalam" atomism. In particular, it analyzes the concept of ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Majid Fakhry
Rp 2.567.400      Rp 2.310.660
This work provides a typology of Islamic ethics, without overlooking the chronological development. Four types of ethical theory are isolated: the scriptural, the theological, the philosophical and the religious. This edition contains extra material from Ibn Sina's writings, translated into ...  [selengkapnya]

Pembaca buku-buku Karen Armstrong telah mengenal sosoknya sebagai profesor yang piawai menguraikan pelik sejarah agama-agama dalam bahasa yang mudah dicerna. Mantan biarawati ini telah menulis 22 ...   
