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Hasil Pencarian untuk "BERNARD GROB"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh Bernard Grob
Rp 299.200      Rp 269.280
"Grob's Basic Electronics, Tenth Edition", is written for the beginning student pursuing a technical degree in Electronics Technology. In covering the fundamentals of electricity and electronics, this text focuses on essential topics for the technician, and the all-important development of testing ...  [selengkapnya]


Sistem Televisi & Video  - Soft Cover - 1989-00-00
Rp 163.000      Rp 122.250

Seketika Galau [Clearance Sale]
"Enggak ada yang pernah memberitahu gue kalau setelah patah hati, akan ada proses yang lebih enggak enak daripada galau karena patah hati itu sendiri!" Yap, itu yang gue rasain sekarang. ...   
