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Hasil Pencarian untuk "BECKER"
Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 books)


oleh A. Vishnu Moorthy MD, Bryan Neil Becker MD, Frederick J. Boehm III, Arjang Djamali MD
Rp 357.500      Rp 321.750
This new text-a collaborative effort between students and teachers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine-provides a unique introductory overview of renal disease, including hypertension and renal transplantation, topics not always covered in other texts. It fully discusses the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Becker
Rp 880.000      Rp 792.000
This updated edition presents a comprehensive overview of the essentials of ear, nose and throat diseases and surgery. It should be of interest to students, providing them with a better understanding of the diagnostic and therapeutic problems of the specialty, as well as the important relations of ...  [selengkapnya]


The Hr. Scorecard  - Soft Cover - 2009-11-00
Rp 135.000      Rp 101.250
Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa buku The HR Scorecard terbitan Esensi ini merupakan buku pertama di Indonesia yang mengupas tuntas tentang konsep dan penerapan HR Scorecard yang sangat berguna bagi setiap departemen SDM di berbagai perusahaan. The HR Scorecar  [selengkapnya]


oleh Benoit Cushman-Roisin, Jean-Marie Beckers
Rp 1.254.000      Rp 1.128.600
This book provides an introductory-level exploration of geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD), the principles governing air and water flows on large terrestrial scales. Physical principles are illustrated with the aid of the simplest existing models, and the computer methods are shown in juxtaposition ...  [selengkapnya]


Elemen-Elemen Hingga 1  - Soft Cover - 1905-06-07
Rp 95.000      Rp 71.250


oleh Dave Ulrich, Mark A. Huselid, Brian E. Becker
*** Out of Print ***
Three experts in Human Resources introduce a measurement system that convincingly showcases how HR impacts business performance. Drawing from the authors' ongoing study of nearly 3,000 firms, this book describes a seven-step process for embedding HR systems within the firm's overall ...  [selengkapnya]


Art Nouveau  - Hard Cover - 2004-11-30
oleh Gabriele Fahr-Becker
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marty Becker
*** Out of Print ***
Hewan peliharaan juga berbicara kepada jiwa kita, membuat kita tersenyum, dan membangkitkan sifat baik, manusiawi, serta rasa optimis kita. Dengan menuturkan ikatan yang mengagumkan antara manusia dan hewan, kisah-kisah yang memberikan inspirasi ini membuktikan bahwa sering kali sosok pahlawan, ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Wayne M. Becker, Lewis J. Kleinsmith, Jeff Hardin, Gregory Paul Bertoni
*** Out of Print ***

Sons of the Sun SHINEE in Barcelona

Photobook ini dilengkapi dengan cerita dan petunjuk wisata yang sangat lengkap dan detail tentang Barcelona.

Fotonya ...   
