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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Ashgate Pub Co"
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 books)


Rp 1.490.500      Rp 1.341.450
Radical Orthodoxy is the most radical and influential theological development in a generation. Many have been bewildered by the range and intensity of the writings which constitute Radical Orthodoxy. This book spans the range of the history of thought discussed by Radical Orthodoxy, tackling the ...  [selengkapnya]


Rp 937.200      Rp 843.480
"Human Factors Methods: A Practical Guide for Engineering and Design" presents more than ninety design and evaluation methods, and is designed to act as an ergonomics methods manual, aiding both students and practitioners. The eleven sections of the book represent the different categories of ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Anca
Rp 1.870.000      Rp 1.683.000
Safety Management Systems (SMS) and Human Factors (HF) disciplines are often regarded as subjective and nebulous. This perhaps stems from a variety and sometimes disjointed activities in the realms of education, industry and the research practices. Aviation is one of the safety-critical industries ...  [selengkapnya]

So Damn @misteeerius: Dibalik Rindu Kecilmu
Cinta itu datengnya nggak bisa ditebak. Bisa kapan dan di mana aja. Entah itu pas lo lagi di kamar mandi, nyuci piring di dapur, atau tidur. Tapi, nggak ada yang tau apa sebenernya arti cinta ...   
