Hasil Pencarian untuk "Amistad"
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 books)
| 1. | 
| | oleh Karrine Steffans *** Out of Print ***
Part tell-all, part cautionary tale, this emotionally charged memoir from a former video vixen nicknamed 'Superhead' goes beyond the glamour of celebrity to reveal the inner workings of the hip-hop dancer industry—from the physical and emotional abuse that's rampant in the industry, and ... [selengkapnya]
| 2. | 
| | oleh David Mendell *** Out of Print ***
The biography of America's hottest political superstar—Barack Obama—from a journalist who has been covering Obama and his career since his successful run for U.S. Senate Barack Obama's meteoric rise from Hawaii high schooler to exemplary Harvard ... [selengkapnya]
| 3. | 
| | oleh Allison Samuels *** Out of Print ***
Off the Record is an insightful, funny, and oftentimes moving behind-the-scenes look at the boldfaced names of Hollywood, hip-hop, and sports. Featuring celebrities such as Whitney Houston, Eddie Murphy, Lil' Kim, Tyra Banks, Alex Rodriguez, Shaquille O'Neal, Whoopi Goldberg, Snoop Dogg, ... [selengkapnya]
| 4. | 
| | oleh Chris Gardner *** Out of Print ***
The astounding yet true rags-to-riches saga of a homeless father who raised and cared for his son on the mean streets of San Francisco and went on to become a crown prince of Wall Street At the age of twenty, Milwaukee native Chris Gardner, just out of ... [selengkapnya]

Sons of the Sun SHINEE in Barcelona
Photobook ini dilengkapi dengan cerita dan petunjuk wisata yang sangat lengkap dan detail tentang Barcelona.
Fotonya ...
