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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Alexander R. Vaccaro MD PhD FACS, Eli M. Baron"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh Alexander R. Vaccaro MD PhD FACS, Eli M. Baron
Rp 2.255.000      Rp 2.029.500
This multimedia resource offers you all the how-to guidance you need to perform all of the latest and best techniques in spine surgery. The complete, lavishly illustrated volume is made even better with a state-of-the-art companion web site! With chapters on such hot topics as immobilization ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Alexander R. Vaccaro MD PhD FACS, Eli M. Baron
Rp 2.770.900      Rp 2.493.810

Spine Surgery, 2nd Edition delivers step-by-step, multimedia guidance to help you master the must-know techniques in this field. Part of the popular and practical Operative Techniques series, this orthopaedics reference focuses on individual procedures, each ...  [selengkapnya]

The Marriage Bureau for Rich People [Clearance Sale]
Mr Ali memutuskan untuk mengisi masa pensiunnya dengan mendirikan biro pernikahan. Dengan menarik bayaran lima ratus rupee dari anggota bironya, Mr Ali membuat iklan, mencetak daftar calon pengantin, ...   
