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Hasil Pencarian untuk "David B"
Displaying 81 to 90 (of 286 books)

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oleh David Longnecker, David L. Brown, Mark F. Newman, Warren Zapol
Rp 2.722.500      Rp 2.450.250

Keep pace with current anesthesiology practice—with the new edition of this standard-setting guide

This classic text—-written and edited by an internationally renowned author team—-defines today’s anesthesia practice for residents and practitioners alike. The book features ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh David M. Hansell, David A. Lynch MD, H. Page McAdams MD, Alexander A. Bankier MD
Rp 3.025.000      Rp 2.722.500

This is the ideal resource for all those requiring an authoritative and up-to-date review of imaging appearances of diseases of the lung, pleura and mediastinum. Chest radiography and CT are integrated with other imaging techniques, including MRI and PET, where appropriate. The clinical and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh David M. Yousem MD MBA, Norman J. Beauchamp Jr. MD MHS
Rp 913.000      Rp 821.700
To succeed in radiology, you not only need to be able to interpret diagnostic images accurately and efficiently; you also need to make wise decisions about managing your practice at every level. Whether you work in a private, group, hospital, and/or university setting, this practical resource ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh David R. Essig-Beatty DO, To-Shan Li, Karen M. Steele, Zachary J. Comeaux, John M. Garlitz, James W. Kribs, William W. Lemley
Rp 550.000      Rp 495.000

The Pocket Manual of OMT is a practical, concise clinical reference for physicians and osteopathic medical students learning and using manipulative diagnosis and treatment techniques. The book's organization by body region enables readers to select appropriate treatments for specific ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh David R. Veerman, M.Div, James C. Galvin, James C. Wilhoit, Bruce B. Barton, D.Min, Richard Osborne
Rp 27.000      Rp 22.950
Pertanyaan anak-anak terkadang sangat Menakjubkan!
Jangan Anda bingung atau menghindari pertanyaan mereka. Perlengkapi diri Anda sebelum anak-anak mulai bertanya... atau sebelum mereka ikut Sekolah Minggu.

Buku ini berisi jawaban sederhana namun mendalam terhadap pertanyaan ...  [selengkapnya]


People Management  - Soft Cover - 2008-03-00
oleh David Rees & Richard M. C. Bain
Rp 67.000      Rp 56.950
Buku ini memberikan akses bagi para akademisi dan para pelaku bisnis kepada keiinginan, persepsi, preferensi, dan perilaku konsumen. Tema-tema yang diangkat antara lain: - Pengantar tentang perilaku konsumen - Faktor-faktor intern dan individual yang  [selengkapnya]


People Management: Teori dan strategi  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh David Rees, Richard M. C. Bain
Rp 67.000      Rp 56.950


Apakah Alkitab Benar ? [Clearance Sale]  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
Memahami Kebenaran Alkitab pada Masa Kini
oleh David Robert Ord & Robert B. Coote
Rp 25.000      Rp 17.500
Buku ini menyodorkan satu gambar yang gamblang tenatng asal usul dan hakikat Alkitab. Dipaparkan juga persoalan-persoalan yang muncul ketika pembaca Alkitab menghadapi dilema yang sering dimunculkan oleh para Ahli Alkitab modern. Bagian I dimulai dengan persoalan bagaimana semestinya Alkitab ...  [selengkapnya]


Kedokteran Klinis ED.6  - Soft Cover - 2007-04-00
Rp 139.000      Rp 104.250


oleh David S. Kidwell, David W. Blackwell, David A. Whidbee, Richard L. Peterson
Rp 2.860.000      Rp 2.574.000
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money provides a balanced introduction to the operation, mechanics, and structure of the U.S. financial system emphasizing its institutions, markets, and financial instruments. The authors stress the mastery of fundamental material, placing an emphasis on how ...  [selengkapnya]

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101 Info tentang Nabi dan Rasul
Menambah pengetahuan seputar nabi dan Rasul. Membentuk akhlak mulia ada nabi, ada rasul. Hmmm ... bedanya apa, ya? Berapa sih, jumlah nabi dan rasul? Apa sih, tugas nabi dan rasul? Apa saja ...   
