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Hasil Pencarian untuk "C Publishing"
Displaying 81 to 90 (of 567 books)

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oleh Paul C. Cozby
Rp 264.000      Rp 237.600
"Methods in Behavioral Research" has achieved its market-leading position with its concise and strategic approach to methodological decision making. Combining helpful pedagogy and rich examples, Cozby's tenth edition again incorporates learning objectives, illustrative graphics, and activities to ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Gordon Walker
Rp 275.000      Rp 247.500
"Modern Competitive Strategy, 3e", by Gordon Walker, provides a concise, rigorous, and broad synthesis of the theory and empirics of the strategy field. The approach is eclectic, reflecting the diversity of the discipline, drawing on studies in industrial and institutional economics, economic and ...  [selengkapnya]


Rp 132.000      Rp 118.800


Rp 132.000      Rp 118.800


oleh Terry W. Sturm
Rp 275.000      Rp 247.500
Open Channel Hydraulics is intended for advanced undergraduates and first-year graduate students in the general fields of water resources and environmental engineering. It offers a focused presentation of some of the most common problems encountered by practicing engineers with the inclusion of ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Ray Whittington
Rp 280.500      Rp 252.450
"Whittington/Pany's Principles of Auditing", is a market leader in the auditing discipline. Until October 2002, Ray Whittington was a member of the Audit Standards Board and prior to Ray being on the ASB, Kurt Pany was on the board. Whittington is currently President of the Auditing Section of the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Martin S. Silberberg
Rp 291.500      Rp 262.350
Silberberg's "Principles of General Chemistry" offers students the same authoritative topic coverage as its parent text, "Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change". "The Principles" text allows for succinct coverage of content with minimal emphasis on pedagogic learning aids.  [selengkapnya]


Social Psychology - 2009-01-11
oleh David Myers
Rp 281.600      Rp 253.440
Reflecting your students and their world. How many of the students in your Social Psychology course are Psychology majors? Business? Sociology? Education? In the 10th edition of Social Psychology, David Myers once again weaves an inviting and compelling narrative that speaks to ALL of your students ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Douglas A. Lind
Rp 272.800      Rp 245.520
Lind's "Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics" is a best-seller due to its comprehensive coverage of statistical concepts and methods delivered in a student-friendly, step-by-step format. The text is non-threatening and presents concepts clearly and succinctly. All statistical concepts ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Larue T. Hosmer
Rp 261.800      Rp 235.620
It is often said that ethics is essential for leadership; Hosmer argues that leadership is also essential for ethics. The theme of The Ethics of Management, 7e, is that business firms today operate in a competitively- intense, technologically-complex and culturally-diverse global economy. Pressures ...  [selengkapnya]

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Certwit Dahlan Is Can: Dahlan Is Dahlan Can
Dahlan bisa bicara apa saja dengan orisinalitas leluconnya. Dalam teori stand up comedy, apa yang dilontarkan Dahlan bukanlah street jokes, lawakan yang sudah disampaikan berulang-ulang oleh banyak ...   
