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Rp 1.512.500 Rp 1.361.250
Filling the need for a succinct, up-to-date guide in the management of sight-threatening disorders, this source provides a clear and practical approach to the treatment and analysis of posterior segment intraocular inflammatory conditions. Practical Manual of Intraocular ... [selengkapnya]
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Rp 2.138.400 Rp 1.924.560 Founded on the paradox that all things are poisons and the difference between poison and remedy is quantity, the determination of safe dosage forms the base and focus of modern toxicology. In order to make a sound determination there must be a working knowledge of the biologic mechanisms involved ... [selengkapnya]
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Rp 1.446.500 Rp 1.301.850 In recent years the increased awareness of environmental issues has led to the development of new approaches to product design, known as Design for Environment and Life Cycle Design. Although still considered emerging and in some cases radical, their principles will become, by necessity, the wave ... [selengkapnya]
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Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Gynecologic Oncology takes a fresh look at a critical aspect of cancer treatment planning. An international team of authors reviews the traditional prognostic and predictive factors such as tumor grade, histologic subtype, and grade and then goes a ... [selengkapnya]
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Rp 2.420.000 Rp 2.178.000 Unlike other texts of imaging for clinicians, Pulmonary Imaging seeks not to teach the physician or surgeon about the radiologic signs of pulmonary disease but rather inform about the value of the various imaging tests in different clinical scenarios. Accordingly, each chapter is written by a ... [selengkapnya]
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Rp 3.190.000 Rp 2.871.000
Radical prostatectomy involves the surgical removal of the entire prostate gland and the seminal vesicles. Recently the open operation has been challenged by laparoscopic and robotic techniques. However, making the transition to this new technology is not an easy option. Avoiding surgical ... [selengkapnya]
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Rp 3.327.500 Rp 2.994.750
New thinking and advances in surgery have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of common gynecologic conditions. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, utero-vaginal prolapse, urinary incontinence, ovarian neoplasms, and adhesions are but a few of the areas where even a general gynecologist ... [selengkapnya]
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This book provides an authoritative and comprehensive update on advances in the understanding and management of recurrent pregnancy loss, both with regard to the basic science and the clinical applications. As many subjects are controversial, and occasionally clinical decisions are based on lack ... [selengkapnya]
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Rp 1.760.000 Rp 1.584.000
This book provides an authoritative and comprehensive update on advances in the understanding and management of recurrent pregnancy loss, both with regard to the basic science and the clinical applications. As many subjects are controversial, and occasionally clinical decisions are based on lack ... [selengkapnya]
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Rp 1.936.000 Rp 1.742.400
Reliability-based design is the only engineering methodology currently available which can ensure self-consistency in both physical and probabilistic terms. It is also uniquely compatible with the theoretical basis underlying other disciplines such as structural design. It is especially ... [selengkapnya]