Hasil Pencarian untuk "MC GRAW-HILL EDUCATION"
Displaying 61 to 70 (of 157 books)
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| 61. |
| | oleh Kitty O. Locker
Rp 264.000 Rp 237.600 A unique approach to a hands-on course, written by the same author of Business and Administrative Communication, this completely new approach is devised and created with the assistance of a community college colleague. The innovative module structure allows instructors to focus on specific skills ... [selengkapnya]
| 62. |
| | oleh Kitty O. Locker
Rp 281.600 Rp 253.440 A unique approach to a hands-on course, written by the same author of "Business and Administrative Communication", this completely new approach is devised and created with the assistance of a community college colleague. The innovative module structure allows instructors to focus on specific skills ... [selengkapnya]
| 63. |
| | oleh Andrew Ghillyer
Rp 297.000 Rp 267.300 This book provides assistance to employees by taking a journey through the challenging world of business ethics at the ground level of the organization rather than flying through the abstract concepts and philosophical arguments at the treetop level. By examining issues and scenarios that relate ... [selengkapnya]
| 64. |
| | oleh Donald R Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler
Rp 281.600 Rp 253.440 Offers comprehensive coverage of the research experience in Business Research Methods. This title includes coverage of the business research topics - backed by theory. [selengkapnya]
| 65. |
| | oleh Baltzan
Rp 275.000 Rp 247.500 [selengkapnya]
| 66. |
| | oleh Robert J Brooker
Rp 528.000 Rp 475.200 [selengkapnya]
| 67. |
| | oleh Gordon M. Wardlaw
Rp 290.400 Rp 261.360 "Contemporary Nutrition" is designed for students with little or no background in college-level biology, chemistry or physiology. It provides the ideal balance of reliable nutrition information and practical consumer-oriented knowledge. With a friendly writing style, the authors act as the ... [selengkapnya]
| 68. |
Rp 302.500 Rp 272.250 [selengkapnya]
| 69. |
| | oleh Cengel
Rp 299.200 Rp 269.280 [selengkapnya]
| 70. |
| | oleh Kenneth H Rosen
Rp 308.000 Rp 277.200 [selengkapnya]
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Mereka Bilang Aku China
Susi Susanty, Maria Sundah, Linda Christanty, Ester Indahyani Jusuf, Jane Luyke Oey, Sias Mawarni Saputra, Milana Yo, dan Meylani Yo bercerita tentang kisah hidup mereka, yang masih terkait dengan ...