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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Adrian"
Displaying 61 to 70 (of 88 books)

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oleh Adrian Gostick, Chester Elton
*** Out of Print ***
Book Description
Got carrotphobia? Do you think that recognizing your employees will distract you and your team from more serious business, create jealousy, or make you look soft? Think again.The Carrot Principle reveals the groundbreaking results of one of the most in-depth ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Adrian Gostick, Chester Elton
*** Out of Print ***
"There is magic in this book. It is the magic of a form of human engagement that allows you to see and your employees to be seen. Whether you are looking for a few good tips to keep a good thing going or need to recapture the very essence of a productive workplace, The Invisible Employee ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Adrian J. Slywotzky, Karl Weber
*** Out of Print ***
Today, when your fortunes can literally change overnight, the new strategic imperative is making your moment of maximum risk your moment of maximum opportunity. In The Upside, Adrian Slywotzky provides bold and original ideas for growth breakthroughs as well as the practical tools to use ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Adrian Levy, Catherine Scott-Clark
*** Out of Print ***
The shocking, three-decade story of A. Q. Khan and Pakistan’s nuclear program, and the complicity of the United States in the spread of nuclear weaponry.

On December 15, 1975, A. Q. Khan—a young Pakistani scientist working in Holland—stole top-secret ...  [selengkapnya]


Hebohnya Binatang di Sekitar Nabi  - Soft Cover - 2009-09-09
oleh Adrian R. Nugraha
*** Out of Print ***
Pada zaman para nabi ternyata ada banyak kisah tentang binatang yang seru. Ada unta yang bisa tiba-tiba muncul dari bebatuan. Ada burung-burung yang ikut bertasbih. Ada cerita tentang penyerbuan pasukan bergajah. Pastinya ada cerita tentang laba-laba yang menyelamatkan Nabi ...  [selengkapnya]


Cerita-Cerita Al Qur'an Menakjubkan   - Full Color, Soft Cover - 2011-09-00
oleh Adrian R. Nugraha, Deny Riana
*** Out of Print ***
1. Berisi kisah-kisah inspiratif dari Al-quran untuk anak dan kisah-kisah seru tentang seputar Al-quran.

2. Diceritakan sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman anak dan dibantu dengan ilustrasi berwarna di setiap halaman agar anak lebih nikmat membaca.

3.  Dilengkapi Juz ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Adrian Shaughnessy
*** Out of Print ***
Printed brochures, catalogs, and multi-page documents form the bedrock of many graphic designers' daily practice. Most printed literature is disposable: today s hot communication document is tomorrow's landfill. But the best brochures, catalogs and documents have a permanence and organic ...  [selengkapnya]


The Upside  - Hard Cover - 2007-07-27
oleh Adrian Slywotzky
*** Out of Print ***


How to Grow When Markets Don't  - Paperback - 2004-01-11
oleh Adrian Slywotzky, Richard Wise, Karl Weber
*** Out of Print ***
Though most companies claim to be growth oriented, surprisingly few actually achieve double-digit growth-and over the past 10 years, that percentage has steadily decreased. In HOW TO GROW WHEN MARKETS DON'T, AdrianSlywotzky andRichardWise examine this problem and offer real solutions, including how ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Adrian Sutedi, S.H., M.H.
*** Out of Print ***
Buku ini secara teoritis dan praktis memaparkan proses terjadinya korupsi dalam pengadaaan barang dan jasa serta metode pencegahannya, dimulai dari tahap perencanaan pengadaan, pembentukan panitia lelang, prakualifikasi perusahaan, penyusunan dokumen lelang, pengumuman lelang, pengambilan dokumen ...  [selengkapnya]

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Korean Pop melanda dunia! Siapa sih yang nggak kenal SUJU, SNSD, SHINee, atau Wonder Girls? Yup, mereka emang lagi eksis banget di tengah hallyu alias gelombang Korea saat ini. Tapi tahukah kamu ...   
