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Surat Sahabat: Australia  - Soft Cover - 2009-06-00
Rp 40.000      Rp 30.000


Revolusi Keuangan Mikro  - Soft Cover - 2004-00-00
oleh Marguerite S. Robinson
Rp 169.900      Rp 144.415


Rp 59.000      Rp 44.250


Rp 86.000      Rp 64.500


oleh Mark D. Miller MD, Stephen R. Thompson MBBS MEd FRCSC
Rp 4.125.000      Rp 3.712.500
Here's the New Edition of the must-have reference in sports medicine! Covering all athletes throughout their lifespan, this 2-volume reference explores the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the full spectrum of sports-related injuries and medical disorders. It provides the most ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Mark D. Miller MD, Stephen R. Thompson MBBS MEd FRCSC, Jennifer Hart MPAS PA-C ATC
Rp 1.197.900      Rp 1.078.110

At all levels of orthopaedic training and practice, Review of Orthopaedics, by Mark D. Miller, MD, is an ideal, state-of-the-art resource for efficient review of key orthopaedic knowledge and board prep. Thoroughly updated, this edition helps you ensure your mastery ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Mark E. Josephson
Rp 2.310.000      Rp 2.079.000

Fully revised and updated for its Fourth Edition, Dr. Josephson's classic text provides a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias and the therapeutic interventions used to treat arrhythmias. The book details the electrophysiologic methodology required to define the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Mark G. Lebwohl MD, Warren R. Heymann MD, John Berth-Jones FRCP, Ian Coulson FRCP
Rp 2.062.500      Rp 1.856.250

Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies has been thoroughly revised to give you the latest treatment options for dermatologic conditions. Mark G. Lebwohl, Warren R. Heymann, John Berth-Jones, and Ian Coulson present an intuitive and easy-to-use, definitive treatment ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Mark H. Libenson
Rp 990.000      Rp 891.000

Why consult encyclopedic references when you only need the essentials? Practical Approach to Electroencephalography, by Mark H. Libenson, MD, equips you with just the right amount of guidance you need for obtaining optimal EEG results! It presents a thorough but readable guide to EEGs, ...  [selengkapnya]


Seri Osprey: Viking  - Soft Cover - 2012-04-00
oleh Mark Harrison
Rp 45.000      Rp 38.250
Viking, bangsa penghuni Eropa utara pada awal Zaman Pertengahan, ditakuti karena keganasan mereka di medan perang. Dari kampung halaman yang dingin, mereka berlayar dengan kapal perang, menebar teror di negeri-negeri tetangga. Wilayah yang mereka serang dan taklukkan merentang dari pantai Baltik ...  [selengkapnya]

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Yes, I'm a Model
Dunia model sangat menyenangkan banyak yang bilang begitu! Kalo gak menyenangkan, ngapain banyak sekolah model, agensi, kompetisi model. Banyak berbondong-bondong menjadi model lewat berbagai cara, ...   
