Hasil Pencarian untuk "Ron R "
Displaying 721 to 730 (of 881 books)
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| 721. | 
| | oleh Natan Sharansky, Ron Dermer, Anatoly Shcharansky *** Out of Print *** Natan Sharansky has lived an unusual life, spending nine years as a Soviet political prisoner and nine years as an Israeli politician. He brings the unique perspective of his experiences in order to make the case for democracy with his longtime friend and adviser Ron Dermer. In this brilliantly ... [selengkapnya]
| 722. | 
| | oleh Nora Ephron *** Out of Print ***
With her disarming, intimate, completely accessible voice, and dry sense of humor, Nora Ephron shares with us her ups and downs in I Feel Bad About My Neck, a candid, hilarious look at women who are getting older and dealing with the tribulations of maintenance, menopause, empty nests, ... [selengkapnya]
| 723. | 
| | oleh Nuraini Widjajanti, Veronika, Dra *** Out of Print *** Sebuah buku pengetahuan populer tentang obat-obat meliputi: Sifat obat, pemakaian obat dalam dan obat luar. Dengan buku ini orang tak akan salah pengertian dalam menggunakan obat. [selengkapnya]
| 724. | 
| | oleh Paul Barron *** Out of Print *** Seri Brain Power SD�kumpulan ide kreatif dan inspirasional untuk guru Sekolah Dasar
Didesain untuk guru-guru yang sangat sibuk, seri buku Brain Power SDini menyatukan sekumpulan permainan dan aktivitas praktis, istimewa, dan sudah melalui uji coba, yang menjamin kesuksesan proses belajarmengajar ... [selengkapnya]
| 725. | 
| | oleh Paul Hellander, Kate Armstrong *** Out of Print *** From Antarctica to Zimbabwe, if you're going there, chances are Lonely Planet has been there first. With a pithy and matter-of-fact writing style, these guides are guaranteed to calm the nerves of first-time world travelers, while still listing off-the-beaten-path finds sure to thrill even the ... [selengkapnya]
| 726. | 
| | oleh Paul Smitz, Aaron Anderson, Brett Atkinson, Becca Blond, Lisa Dunford *** Out of Print *** See a Russian ruler sharing a passionate kiss with a German leader on the Berlin Wall, p. 175. Experience the medieval ambiance of Prague - without the tourist hordes - amidst the dazzling architecture of little-visited Olomouc, p. 144. Get your adrenaline pumping with a moonlight sled ride ... [selengkapnya]
| 727. | 
| | oleh Penny Cameron, Vanessa Todd *** Out of Print *** Soal-soal latihan, tips, dan petunjuk bagi mereka yang akan menempuh IELTS, yaitu test untuk mengukur kemampuan berbahasa Inggris?mencakup 4 skills: listening, reading, writing, dan speaking. Test ini wajib bagi mereka yang akan belajar (Academic Module) di negara yang berbahasa pengantar bahasa ... [selengkapnya]
| 728. | 
| | oleh Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Ang Swee Hoon, Leong Siew Meng, Tan Chin Tiong, Oliver Yau *** Out of Print *** Marketing has gotten more global, and there is a need to develop marketers who understand marketing in the right context. Principles of Marketing: A Global Perspective seeks to do just that by exposing your students to a wide variety of contexts whether international or from within Asia that are ... [selengkapnya]
| 729. | 
| | oleh Philip; Armstrong, Gary Kotler *** Out of Print *** Paperback
Publisher: Pearson Education
Language: English
ISBN-10: 027375243X
ISBN-13: 9780273752431
Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 0.9 x 10.8 inches [selengkapnya]
| 730. | 
| | oleh Po Bronson *** Out of Print *** In What Should I Do with My Life? Po Bronson manages to create a career book that is a page-turner. His 50 vivid profiles of people searching for "their soft spot--their true calling" will engage readers because Bronson is asking himself the same question. He explores his premise, that ... [selengkapnya]
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1,000 Places to See Before You Die: A Traveler's Life List
Around the World, continent by continent, here is the best the world has to offer: 1,000 places guaranteed to give travelers the shivers. Sacred ruins, grand hotels, wildlife preserves, hilltop ...
