601. | 
| | oleh Charlotte Bronte *** Out of Print ***
Villette, by Charlotte Bronte, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are ... [selengkapnya] |
602. | 
| | oleh Charlotte Bronte *** Out of Print *** Introduction and Notes by Dr Sally Minogue, Canterbury Christ Church University College. This novel is based on the author's personal experience as a teacher in Brussels. It is a moving tale of repressed feelings and subjection to cruel circumstance and position, borne with heroic fortitude. It ... [selengkapnya]
603. | 
| | oleh Charon *** Out of Print *** Kalau menurutmu definisi kencan sempurna adalah:
- Makan malam di ruangan remang-remang dibarengi cahaya lilin alias candle light dinner
- Beli buku bareng dan mendiskusikan isinya
- Menawarkan tiket untuk nonton bareng konser band kesayanganmu
- Menghabiskan waktu bersama setelah ... [selengkapnya]
604. | 
| | oleh Charon *** Out of Print *** Sandra sangat terpukul ketika orangtuanya bercerai.... Dan hatinya semakin sakit ketika ayahnya memutuskan ia harus tinggal bersama ibunya, yang selama ini tak pernah dekat dengannya. Kemarahan yang menggelora menjadikan Sandra remaja yang bandel. Berulang kali ia dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena ... [selengkapnya]
605. | 
| | oleh China Williams, Aaron Anderson, Brett Atkinson, Tim Bewer, Becca Blond, Virginia Jealous, Lisa Steer *** Out of Print *** Discover Thailand Uncover Bangkok's best street stalls or enjoy skyscraping gourmet dinners. Climb aboard a long-tail boat and island hop to your own isolated beach paradise. Get soaked at Songkran, the Thai celebration that becomes the world's biggest water fight. ... [selengkapnya]
606. | 
| | oleh Christopher M. Byron *** Out of Print *** In Testosterone Inc.: Tales of CEOs Gone Wild, bestselling author and New York Post columnist Chris Byron chronicles the Gatsby-like saga of the rise and fall of the celebrity CEO. During the height of the 1990s bull market, they were America’s new heroes: the heroes of business. They were ... [selengkapnya]
607. | 
| | oleh Chronicle Books *** Out of Print *** Each spread of this Halloween-themed activity book features two spooky photographs that appear identical. Eagle-eyed readers, however, will spot seven things that have changed from one photo to the other. Perfect for fans of the I Spy or Where's Waldo series, the popular Spot 7 books offer benefits ... [selengkapnya]
608. | 
| | oleh Chronicle Books LLC Staff *** Out of Print *** Continuing the success of our first two mensa decks, Chronicle Books is pleased to introduce four new decks--two for adults and two for kids. Now masterminds of all ages can stimulate their mental prowess with these portable boxes of mind benders, created by Mensa's puzzle experts. [selengkapnya]
609. | 
| | oleh Colin Thubron *** Out of Print ***
Shadow of the Silk Road records a journey along the greatest land route on earth. Out of the heart of China into the mountains of Central Asia, across northern Afghanistan and the plains of Iran and into Kurdish Turkey, Colin Thubron covers some seven thousand miles in eight months. ... [selengkapnya]
610. | 
| | oleh Cristiano Ronaldo *** Out of Print *** Cristiano Ronaldo is the world famous Manchester United and Portuguese International footballer, admired around the world for his unique style of play. Football fans recognise instantly how he dribbles the ball, but theres a great deal about him that has never been made public before. Cristiano ... [selengkapnya]