Hasil Pencarian untuk "David S"
Displaying 41 to 50 (of 474 books)
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| 41. |
| | oleh David B. Jenkins PhD
Rp 797.500 Rp 717.750 Learn everything you need to know about the anatomy of the limbs and back and how to apply the material to everyday activities and movements with this updated edition of the classic text. This user-friendly book is packed with detailed quick-reference tables and newly revised illustrations. Take ... [selengkapnya]
| 42. |
| | oleh David Balkin and Robert Cardy Luis Gomez-Mejia
Rp 355.300 Rp 319.770 Managing Human Resources (6th Edition) [selengkapnya]
| 43. |
| | oleh David Bedford, Rosalind Beardshaw
Rp 33.000 Rp 24.750
Morris, sedang mencari cinta. Ketika Morris berjalan ke peternakan, ia berpikir semua akan baik-baik saja. Sayangnya, Morris tidak bis melihat dengan baik. Apa yang ia temukan bukanlah cinta yang diharapkan.
Keunggulan ... [selengkapnya]
| 44. |
| | oleh David Boy Nainggolan, S.Sn
Rp 45.000 Rp 38.250 [selengkapnya]
| 45. |
| | oleh David Buss
Rp 255.200 Rp 229.680 [selengkapnya]
| 46. |
| | oleh David C. Fischetti
Rp 1.331.000 Rp 1.197.900 A toolkit for giving our historic built environment a second lifeConservation of our existing structures has obvious economic and social value. Moreover, historic structures provide an excellent laboratory for studying aspects of structural engineering, materials science, forensic engineering, ... [selengkapnya]
| 47. |
| | oleh David C. Leege dan Lyman A. Kellstedt
Rp 80.000 Rp 68.000 �Buku ini adalah karya akademik terbaik tentang hubungan antara agama dan politik dalam masyrakat Amerika kontemporer. Ia menguji teori teori mutakhir tentang agama dan politik, dan bersandar pada pendekatan akademik yang ketat. Karena itu buku ini telah menjadi rujukan utama para akademisi dalam ... [selengkapnya]
| 48. |
| | oleh David C. Preston MD FAAN, Barbara E. Shapiro MD PhD
Rp 1.705.000 Rp 1.534.500 Neuroimaging is playing an increasingly crucial role in all facets of neurological and neurosurgical diagnosis and treatment. Now there's an easy, interactive way to learn neuroanatomy and recognize common neurologic conditions seen on neuroimaging! This new CD-ROM enables you to explore more than ... [selengkapnya]
| 49. |
| | oleh David Casalino, Frank Miller, Paul Nikolaidis, Nancy Hammond
Rp 2.145.000 Rp 1.930.500
295 cases and more than 1700 illustrations teach you how to accurately interpret genitourinary tract images 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "The high-quality images and pithy discussions make this book very useful to radiologists, both in training and in practice....The ... [selengkapnya]
| 50. |
| | oleh David Dines MD, Gerald R. Williams Jr. MD, Cato Laurencin MD PhD
Rp 2.282.500 Rp 2.054.250 The Shoulder-a volume in the new Arthritis and Arthroplasty series-offers expert guidance on everything from patient selection and pre-operative planning to surgical approaches and techniques. Clear, evidence-based coverage details which technology and methodology used for total shoulder ... [selengkapnya]
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A Gift from a Friend
“Buku ini sangat inspirasional. Saya merekomendasikan buku ini terutama untuk mereka yang masih muda. Pengarang buku ini, Merry Riana, memiliki anugerah yang luar biasa dari Tuhan. Ia memiliki ...