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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Ron R "
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oleh Walter R. Frontera, Walter R Frontera
Rp 1.996.500      Rp 1.796.850


oleh Water Environment Federation
Rp 1.430.000      Rp 1.287.000

The Definitive Guide to Energy Conservation in Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

Covering both drinking water treatment as well as wastewater, this authoritative guide from the Water Environment Federation presents the latest strategies for improving energy efficiency in ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Water Environment Federation
Rp 1.452.000      Rp 1.306.800

The Latest Tactics and Strategies for Treating Every Kind of Industrial Wastewater

Industrial Wastewater Management offers proven methods to help you treat toxic, concentrated, and polluted water. Complete with illustrations and tables throughout, this authoritative ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Water Environment Federation
Rp 1.265.000      Rp 1.138.500
Membrane processes are a fast-growing wastewater treatment option. Written by key experts in the wastewater industry, this reference provides the most current membrane information available -- covering processes, equipment configurations, operation, routine monitoring, maintenance, and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Water Environment Federation
Rp 1.210.000      Rp 1.089.000

The Latest Sewer System Overflow Prevention Methods

Fully revised throughout, this Water Environment Federation resource provides up-to-date information necessary to help managers and engineers understand and analyze an overflow problem and offers guidance on finding the most ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Water Environment Federation
Rp 1.210.000      Rp 1.089.000

The Definitive Guide to Safety for the Wastewater Industry

Safety, Health, and Security in Wastewater Systems, Sixth Edition, provides the critical information necessary for regulatory compliance, reduction of liability, reduction of costs, and prevention of injury and illness. ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Water Environment Federation
Rp 1.837.000      Rp 1.653.300

The Definitive Guide to Solids Treatment and Management

This authoritative resource is essential for professionals involved in the design, approval, and operation of municipal solids treatment and disposal systems. Solids Process Design and Management contains the latest ...  [selengkapnya]


Pensiun Bermartabat  - Soft Cover - 2013-09-12
oleh Yusron Aminulloh
Rp 32.800      Rp 27.880


Tragedi dan Strategi Pertahanan Nasioanal  - Soft Cover - 2009-10-30
oleh Yusron Ihza
Rp 85.000      Rp 72.250


Buku Kantong Geografi SMA IPS  - Soft Cover - 2010-02-08
oleh Zamroni, S.SI
Rp 23.500      Rp 19.975
Kumpulan ini berisi materi terpenting pelajaran Geografi SMA kelas X, XI, dan XXI. Materi disajikan runtut, lengkap dan tuntas sehingga sangat mudah dipahami. Buku ini sengaja disajikan dalam ukuran praktis agar mudah dibawa sehingga kegiatan belajar pun dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja.  [selengkapnya]

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The Complete Wedding Planner & Organizer [Clearance Sale]
A new title from America's top wedding experts, Elizabeth & Alex Lluch. The Complete Wedding Planner & Organizer provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date wedding planning information in a handy ...   
