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DesignDesign: Furniture & Lights  - Hard Cover - 2007-01-04
oleh Oscar Asensio
*** Out of Print ***
What happens when form follows functionand the only boundaries are the laws of physics? As innovative materials and manufacturing techniques become readily available, the limitations of design are rapidly falling away. These advances have led to a redefinition of the spaces we inhabit, as everyday ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Neimeyer
*** Out of Print ***
Oscar Niemeyer (b.1907) is the last of the great, decisive, form-giving modern architects of the twentieth century. In this informal, fluid autobiography, he reveals how philosophy, politics and his many passions including his large family, many friends, the sensuous land and open skies of Brazil, ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Ojeda Riera, James McCown
*** Out of Print ***
This installment in Rockports Architecture in Detail series, Colors looks at how color plays a role in even the most upscale architectural designs. The series itself examines the role of details in contemporary architecture through the work of many emerging and established practitioners ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Ojeda Riera, James McCown
*** Out of Print ***
Rockports Architecture in Detail series examines the role of details in contemporary architecture through the work of many emerging and established practitioners whose projects speak sensitively and energetically on a small scale.

In this edition, Spaces, acclaimed photographer Paul ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Ratti, Adele Westbrook
*** Out of Print ***
In plentiful detail from a huge range of historical sources, Secrets of the Samurai plots the development, principles and effects of the samurai culture of feudal Japan. Authors Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook have furnished details on the weapons, techniques, strategies and principles of the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Riera Ojeda, Mark Pasnik, Photography by Paul Warchol
*** Out of Print ***
Elements is the second volume in the Architecture in Detail series, which presents a collection of new projects in which the designers ideas are evident in the minor moments of space, such as the curve of a handrail, the profile of a cabinet, the form and texture of a wall. The images ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Riera Ojeda, Mark Pasnik, Photography by Paul Warchol
*** Out of Print ***
Materials is the first book in the Architecture in Detail series, which examines a wide spectrum of architectural palettes from traditional products used innovatively to the testing of newer substances and from elegant applications of inelegant materials to experimentation with ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Wilde
*** Out of Print ***
Dengan 1100 kosa kata, memberikan kesempatan pembaca untuk menemukan kata-kata yang kurang familiar dipakai pada suatu konteks kalimat. Namu penggunaan kata yang tidak lazim ini dijelaskan secara berulang agar pembaca lebih memahaminya. Ilustrasi menarik turut disertakan.  [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Wilde
*** Out of Print ***
Dengan 1100 kosa kata, memberikan kesempatan pembaca untuk menemukan kata-kata yang kurang familiar dipakai pada suatu konteks kalimat. Namu penggunaan kata yang tidak lazim ini dijelaskan secara berulang agar pembaca lebih memahaminya. Ilustrasi menarik turut disertakan.   [selengkapnya]


oleh Oscar Wilde
*** Out of Print ***

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Wormwood - Naga Langit
Dr. Sabian Blake tak pernah menyangka akan menjadi pemilik Nemorensis, buku berisi rahasia alam semesta yang meramalkan bumi akan dihantam komet raksasa, Wormwood (sang naga langit) Sesuai ramalan ...   
