Hasil Pencarian untuk "JULIUS"
Displaying 31 to 36 (of 36 books)
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| 31. | 
| | oleh Julius Tahija *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 32. | 
| | oleh Julius Widemann *** Out of Print *** What's your sign? The world's best logo designs Everybody knows that brand identity is key. A good logo can glamorize just about anything, so it comes as no surprise that logo design is a crucial step in the development of a product or service. This exhaustive guide brings together diverse logos ... [selengkapnya]
| 33. | 
| | oleh Julius Wiedemann *** Out of Print *** WHAT IS SEXY IN CYBER-SPACE? DIGITAL BEAUTIES PRESENTS A VIRTUAL HAREM TO CHOOSE FROM The first book in TASCHEN's new series on digital culture focuses on the beauty of cutting-edge computer-generated females. Not a technical "how-to," DIGITAL BEAUTIES celebrates the artistic achievements of ... [selengkapnya]
| 34. | 
| | oleh Julius Wiedemann *** Out of Print *** Get the skinny on the Manga phenomenon and it's superstars - both human and fictional - via 140 A-Z listings. [selengkapnya]
| 35. | 
| | oleh Julius Wiedemann *** Out of Print *** The power of Flash... Many of the web's most eye-popping sites are created using Flash, a program which allows for total creative freedom and maximum interactivity. In its early years, Flash was used mostly for artistic and design sites, but more recently large corporationseven ... [selengkapnya]
| 36. | 
| | oleh Prof.Dr.Hj. Hansiswany Kamarga, M.Pd, Drs. Julius Siboro *** Out of Print *** Mempelajari sejarah bukan menghafal peristiwa-peristiwa yang diangkat dan dituliskan dalam buku-buku pelajaran sejarah, bukan juga menerima menjadi sesuatu yang final, yang tidak dapat dikaji ulang kebenarannya. Jika siswa diminta untuk belajar sejarah, maka seharusnya yang ditanamkan dalam diri ... [selengkapnya]
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Sejak 18 tahun lalu, Yohanes Surya sudah memimpikan Indonesia menjadi juara dunia Olimpiade Fisika. Padahal, saat itu tak ada seorang pun yang menganggapnya mampu. Impian itu tercapai pada ...
