Hasil Pencarian untuk "Charles G C"
Displaying 31 to 40 (of 84 books)
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| 31. |
| | oleh Charless W. Mulford, Eugene E. Comiskey
Rp 125.000 Rp 106.250 Untuk menutupi turunnya laba, beberapa manajer berupaya dengan berbagai cara memanfaatkan barbagai
kelonggaran dalam prisip-prinsip akuntansi. Mereka memainkan angka-angka keuangan untuk membuat
laporan keuangan mereka tampak bagus. Diantara mereka bahkan ada yang bergerak lebih berani dengan ... [selengkapnya]
| 32. |
| | oleh Dr. Charles Agyin-Ashare
Rp 35.000 Rp 28.000 Ketika pelatih Indianapolis Colts Tony Dungy membawa pulang piala di Super Bowl XLI, para penggemar di seluruh dunia memandangnya sebagai lambang keberhasilan. Kemenangan atletik, keahlian yang luar biasa, popularitas dan kemashyuran, penghargaan dan penghormatan … ia memiliki semuanya itu. ... [selengkapnya]
| 33. |
| | oleh George Coedes, Louis-Charles Damais, Hermann Kulke, Pierre-Yves Manguin
Rp 75.000 Rp 63.750
Sriwijaya adalah kerajaan tertua di Indonesia yang membentangkan jaringannya dari India hingga ke Tiongkok, dalam bidang ekonomi maupun agama. Namun demikian nama Sriwijaya lama terlupakan sebelum akhirnya seorang sejarawan Prancis, George Coedes, membuktikan pada tahun 1918 bahwa nama ... [selengkapnya]
| 34. |
| | oleh George Shorten, Stephen F. Dierdorf, Gabriella Iohom, Christopher J. O'Connor, Charles W. Hogue
Rp 1.408.000 Rp 1.267.200
This short textbook presents sixty cases with the detail and patient-specific data encountered in actual clinical practice. Cases cover the major points emphasized in the in-training exam and in written and oral boards. The cases are rigorously developed using two models. The ... [selengkapnya]
| 35. |
| | oleh Honorio Benzon MD, James P. Rathmell MD, Christopher L. Wu, Dennis C. Turk PhD, Charles E. Argoff MD
Rp 2.475.000 Rp 2.227.500 Get the core knowledge in pain medicine you need from one of the most trusted resources in the field. The new fourth edition guides you through every aspect of pain medicine with concise descriptions of evaluation, diagnosis of pain syndromes, rationales for management, treatment modalities, and ... [selengkapnya]
| 36. |
| | oleh Kay A. Norlander-Case, Timothy G. Reagan & Charles W. Case
Rp 51.000 Rp 43.350 [selengkapnya]
| 37. |
| | oleh Michael F Greene, Robert K. Creasy MD, Robert Resnik MD, Jay D. Iams MD, Charles J. Lockwood MD, Thomas Moore MD
Rp 2.216.500 Rp 1.994.850 In your practice, you require advanced knowledge of the obstetrical, medical, genetic and surgical complications of pregnancy and their effects on the mother and fetus. With both basic science and clinical information, six new chapters, and an updated color design, you need look no further than the ... [selengkapnya]
| 38. |
| | oleh Michael Paidas, Charles J. Lockwood, Nazli Hossain, Tahir S. Shamsi, Marc Rodger, Jens Langhoff-Roos
Rp 1.320.000 Rp 1.188.000 Reproductive hemostasis: A global approach to a global challengeA hemostatic change in women through their reproductive lifetime is emerging as an issue of global importance. No wonder, as obstetric hemorrhage remains a major cause of maternal mortality in both developed and developing ... [selengkapnya]
| 39. |
| | oleh Sarah S. Long MD, Larry K. Pickering MD, Charles G. Prober MD
Rp 2.585.000 Rp 2.326.500 Quickly find the data you need to understand a clinical problem, diagnose it correctly, and provide appropriate management! This reference offers the latest need-to-know information thanks to an easy-to-access format...allowing you to spend more time with your patients and less time searching for ... [selengkapnya]
| 40. |
| | oleh Sarah S. Long MD, Larry K. Pickering MD, Charles G. Prober MD
Rp 3.531.000 Rp 3.177.900
In print, online, or on your mobile device, Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Disease provides the comprehensive and actionable coverage you need to understand, diagnose, and manage the ever-changing, high-risk clinical problems caused by infectious diseases in ... [selengkapnya]
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"Self-branding adalah usaha memaksimalkan potensi diri untuk meraih kesuksesan. Kendalikan potensi Anda dan ambil alih karier, bisnis, dan hidup Anda sekarang.
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