31. | 
| | oleh Allan Folsom *** Out of Print *** In Washington, D.C., Former LAPD rogue detective Nicholas Marten has come out of hiding to hunt down the killers of his childhood sweetheart.The wife of a controversial United States congressman, she and her husband and son were mysteriously murdered soon after the congressman discovered a massive ... [selengkapnya]
32. | 
| | oleh Allan Heinberg *** Out of Print ***
THE RETURN OF WANDA MAXIMOFF! The search for the Scarlet Witch is finally over as the Young Avengers find Wanda. But is she a hero or a villain? Is she still the Scarlet Witch? The battle over Wanda rages on as Avengers go up against the Young Avengers, Magneto clashes with Quicksilver, Wonder ... [selengkapnya]
33. | 
| | oleh Allan McChesney *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
34. | 
| | Kiat Mempermulus Hubungan Cinta dengan Memahami Kebutuhan Dasar Pasangan oleh Allan Pease , Barbara Pease *** Out of Print *** Apa itu cinta? Apa yang menggerakkan laki-laki untuk selalu mencari seks? Apa yang sesungguhnya membuat perempuan menuntut komitmen dari laki-laki?
Dalam buku ini, Allan Pease dan Barbara Pease mengungkapkan kebenaran tentang pria dan wanita. Buku ini didasarkan pada penelitian terkini dan bukan ... [selengkapnya]
35. | 
| | oleh Allan Pease, Barbara Pease *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
36. | 
| | oleh Allan Pease, Barbara Pease *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
37. | 
| | oleh Allan Pease, Barbara Pease *** Out of Print *** The audio of the book that's taking Britain by storm! 10 weeks at number one in Australia now a bestseller in the UK after just four weeks: number 2 at Bertrams, 3 at THE, top 20 on Amazon for ten weeks - outselling Men are From Mars by 10 to one. Bestselling authors Allan and Barbara Pease - four ... [selengkapnya]
38. | 
| | oleh Allan Pease, Barbara Pease *** Out of Print *** Allan and Barbara Pease are the world's foremost experts in personal relationships. Their books, seminars and TV programmes have made them household names from Australia to the UK and from the USA to Japan. In their follow-up to the multi-million selling WHY MEN DON'T LISTEN AND WOMEN CAN'T READ ... [selengkapnya]
39. | 
| | oleh ALLAN R. DREBIN *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
40. | 
| | oleh Barbara Pease, Allan Pease *** Out of Print *** Do you know the top seven things men do that drive women nuts? Or the real reason women cry more than men do? What are men really looking for in a woman—both at first sight and for the long-term? These are only the starting points for Barbara and Allan Pease as they discuss the very ... [selengkapnya]