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Hasil Pencarian untuk "So He"
Displaying 471 to 479 (of 479 books)

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oleh The American Bible Society
*** Out of Print ***
The Bible is full of mysteries that have gripped millions of people over thousands of years.Here the most intriguing mysteries and unanswered questions like, Where is the garden of Eden? What ever happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Where is the Ark of the Covenant today? are brought to life for todays ...  [selengkapnya]


Cold Blood (Paris Murphy Mysteries)  - Paperback - 2005-02-22
oleh Theresa Monsour
*** Out of Print ***
After finding the finger of a missing bridesmaid, Justice Trip is enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame.

Homicide detective Paris Murphy is finding Trip's heroics a little hard to take. And when she realizes that she knew Trip in high school, the danger becomes all too clear.  [selengkapnya]


The Ecology of Sulawesi  - Hard Cover - 2001-12-00
oleh Tony Whitten, Muslimin Mustafa, Gregory S. Henderson
*** Out of Print ***
Sulawesi is one of the least-known regions of Indonesia. This book, which brings together information from over 1600 sources, will prove invaluable for ecologists, scientists, and armchair travelers  [selengkapnya]


oleh Veronica Atkins, Stephanie Nathanson, Robert C. Atkins, Atkins Health & Medical Information Services
*** Out of Print ***
From the wife of the late Dr. Robert Atkins, here is an inventive cookbook that will allow low carb devotees to keep the faith without cutting down the fat. Grounded in the carb counting, fat allowing formula that launched millions of dieters, Veronica Atkins has designed a book "to make doing ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Vicki S. Helgeson
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Virginia Matheson Hooker
*** Out of Print ***
Writing a New Society is the first extended study of the novel in Malay and is a groundbreaking study of the relationship between social change and literary practice. The book traces the emergence of the genre from the 1920s and, drawing on twenty-six of Malaysia's best-known novels, argues that ...  [selengkapnya]


Riwayat Hidup Padmasambhava  - Soft Cover - 2007-00-00
oleh Yeshe Tsogyal
*** Out of Print ***
"Mengapa sosok Padmasambhava begitu penting? Berkat realisasi agung dan kekuatan spiritual beliau, telah tercipta suatu kondisi yang mendukung penyebarluasan ajaran-ajaran vajrayana di dunia ini. Di Tibet, ia menundukkan makhluk-makhluk yang menentang Buddhadharma dan mendamaikan kekuatan-kekuatan ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Zaharuddin, Bambang P. Reksowardjojo, Edi Purwantoro dan Hendi H
*** Out of Print ***
Membahas pembuatan karakter manusia 3D, rambut, kulit, pakaian, animasi & renderingnya, menggunakan 3DStudioMax , Character Studio dan Plugins. Dibahas pula konsep cerita, karakter, storyboard. Isi Buku 1. Pendahuluan Membahas Sejarah Animasi, Teknik, Camera, Storyboard, Storyline, Cerita, ...  [selengkapnya]


Remeh sih, Tapi  - Soft Cover - 2014-07-00
oleh Zaheed Edwirson
*** Out of Print ***
Salat kok cepat-cepat? Salat kok melirik? Salat kok ngupil? Remeh sih, tapi…

Salat yang benar itu mesti memenuhi rukun dan syarat sah salat. Nggak sekadar itu, kadang pas salat kita nggak sadar lho hal-hal yang remeh bisa membuat batal salat kita, mengurangi pahala, atau ...  [selengkapnya]

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Ketika kenyataan menentangmu untuk terus berharap

Sebuah harapan untuk bertemu kembali dengan seorang pria telah memaksa Kim Sun menggunakan kemampuannya berkomunikasi ...   
