Hasil Pencarian untuk "Susan"
Displaying 451 to 460 (of 496 books)
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| 451. | 
| | oleh Susan Minot *** Out of Print *** As Ann Lord lies on her deathbed, her daughter delivers a balsam pillow from the attic. At first the ailing woman is confused, but suddenly the scent reminds her of the "wild tumult" she experienced 40 years earlier: Something stole into her as she walked in the dark, a dream she'd ... [selengkapnya]
| 452. | 
| | oleh Susan Napier *** Out of Print *** Matthew Riordan, pebisnis ulung yang dikenal dingin dan serius, lepas kendali pada pesta sosialita Merrilyn Freeman, tempat Rachel Blair bekerja. Saat Rachel menawarkan diri membantu Matthew berganti pakaian setelah lelaki itu jatuh ke kolam renang pada pesta itu Rachel berusaha mencegah Matthew ... [selengkapnya]
| 453. | 
| | oleh Susan Nolen-Hoeksema *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 454. | 
| | Perjalanan Hidup Seekor Anjing pada Perang Dunia I oleh Susan Orlean *** Out of Print *** DIA PERCAYA ANJING ITU ABADI
Pada 1918, seorang tentara Amerika bernama Lee Duncan menemukan anak anjing telantar di sebuah wilayah pertempuran Prancis pada masa Perang Dunia I. Duncan punya impian besar untuk Rin Tin Tin yang dibawanya pulang ke Amerika Serikat dan terjun ke dalam ... [selengkapnya]
| 455. | 
| | oleh Susan Patron *** Out of Print *** Lucky, age ten, can't wait another day. The meanness gland in her heart and the crevices full of questions in her brain make running away from Hard Pan, California (population 43), the rock-bottom only choice she has.It's all Brigitte's fault -- for wanting to go back to France. Guardians are ... [selengkapnya]
| 456. | 
| | oleh Susan Piver *** Out of Print *** Dengan berfokus pada rumah, keuangan, pekerjaan, hubungan seks, komunitas, dan keluarga, buku ini mengetengahkan 100 pertanyaan sulit dan penting yang perlu dijawab oleh para pasangan agar lebih mengenal dan memahami lagi calon pasangan hidupnya sebelum memasuki gerbang perkawinan.
Bersama ... [selengkapnya]
| 457. | 
| | oleh Susan Quilliam *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 458. | 
| | oleh Susan Richards *** Out of Print ***
The horse Susan Richards chose for rescue wouldn’t be corralled into her waiting trailer. Instead Lay Me Down, a former racehorse with a foal close on her heels, walked right up that ramp and into Susan’s life. This gentle creature—malnourished, plagued by pneumonia and an ... [selengkapnya] |
| 459. | 
| | oleh Susan Ronald *** Out of Print ***
Dubbed the "pirate queen" by the Vatican and Spain's Philip II, Elizabeth I was feared and admired by her enemies. Extravagant, whimsical, and hot-tempered, Elizabeth was the epitome of power. Her visionary accomplishments were made possible by her daring merchants, gifted rapscallion ... [selengkapnya]
| 460. | 
| | oleh Susan Scott *** Out of Print *** Susan Scott believes that interpersonal difficulties--at work and at home--are a direct result of our inability to communicate well. Fierce Conversations is based on principles from her international consulting practice, in which she teaches executives how to conduct such exchanges more ... [selengkapnya]
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Who Wants to be an Options Entrepreneur (Bonus DVD)
We are Born for Success Not a Failure
Kita Terlahir Sukses Bukan Gagal
Barangkali options trading, satu-satunya bisnis saya, juga bisa menjadi bisnis sampingan Anda. Think about it!
Pada era ...
