Hasil Pencarian untuk "THOMAS"
Displaying 421 to 427 (of 427 books)
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39 40 41 42 43
| 421. |
| | oleh TIM REDAKSI MAJALAH THOMAS *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 422. |
| | oleh Torsten Brohan, Thomas Berg *** Out of Print *** Design is one of the most fascinating cultural phenomena of the 20th century. This publication outlines the pioneer years of modern design history, tracing the development of the classic avantgarde design from 1880 to 1930 and showing 200 originals which have passed through the hands of ... [selengkapnya]
| 423. |
| | oleh Voets, Thomas, CSA *** Out of Print *** Buku ini menyajika doa-doa sebelum dan sesudah makan dalam lingkaran empat minggu. Sebagai doa maka n keluarga atau kelompok, doa-doa dalam buku ini sengaja menggunakan inspirasi bacaan Kitab Suci. Maksudya ialah supaya kesempatan menikmati rahmat Allah dalam wujud rezeki dapat diresapi juga ... [selengkapnya]
| 424. |
| | oleh Weatherhill, Thomas G. Oey *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 425. |
| | oleh William H. Brown, Thomas Poon *** Out of Print *** This book enables readers to see the connections in organic chemistry and understand the logic. - Reaction mechanisms are grouped together to reflect logical relationships.
- Discusses organic chemistry as it is applied to real-world compounds and problems.
- Electrostatic ... [selengkapnya]
| 426. |
| | oleh William L. Cron, Thomas E. DeCarlo *** Out of Print *** Get the hands-on experience you need to succeed
Effective sales management not only helps companies gain advantages over competitors; it also helps you gain key advantages in your personal career. With Dalrymple's Sales Management, 9th Edition, you'll learn how to get out there, manage a ... [selengkapnya]
| 427. |
| | oleh Yuzan Daidoji, Thomas Cleary *** Out of Print *** The Code of the Samurai is a four-hundred-year-old explication of the rules and expectations embodied in Bushido, the Japanese way of the warrior. Bushido has played a major role in shaping the behavior of modern Japanese government, corporations, society, and individuals, as well as in shaping ... [selengkapnya]
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39 40 41 42 43