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oleh Adrian Levy, Catherine Scott-Clark
*** Out of Print ***
The shocking, three-decade story of A. Q. Khan and Pakistan’s nuclear program, and the complicity of the United States in the spread of nuclear weaponry.

On December 15, 1975, A. Q. Khan—a young Pakistani scientist working in Holland—stole top-secret ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Giles Tremlett
*** Out of Print ***
The appearance, more than sixty years after the Spanish Civil War ended, of mass graves containing victims of Francisco Franco’s death squads finally broke what Spaniards call “the pact of forgetting”—the unwritten understanding that their recent, painful past was ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Catrine Clay
*** Out of Print ***
The extraordinary family story of George V, Wilhelm II, and Nicholas II: they were tied to one another by history, and history would ultimately tear them apart.

Known among their families as Georgie, Willy, and Nicky, they were, respectively, the royal cousins George V of ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Stephen O'Shea
*** Out of Print ***
The long, shared history of Christianity and Islam began, shortly after Islam emerged in the early seventh century A.D., with a question: Who would inherit the Greco-Roman world of the Mediterranean? Sprung from the same source—Abraham and the Revelation given to the Jews—the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Alessandro Barbero
*** Out of Print ***
On August 9, 378 AD, at Adrianople in the Roman province of Thrace (now western Turkey), the Roman Empire began to fall. Two years earlier, an unforeseen flood of refugees from the East Germanic tribe known as the Goths had arrived at the Empire’s eastern border, seeking admittance. ...  [selengkapnya]


Timbuktu: The Sahara's Fabled City of Gold  - Hard Cover - 2007-08-21
oleh Marq de Villiers, Sheila Hirtle
*** Out of Print ***
Timbuktu—the name still evokes an exotic, faraway place even though its glory days are long gone. Unspooling its history and legends, resolving myth with reality, Marq de Villiers and Sheila Hirtle have captured the splendor and decay of one of mankind’s treasures.
...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Patricia Schultz
*** Out of Print ***
Around the World, continent by continent, here is the best the world has to offer: 1,000 places guaranteed to give travelers the shivers. Sacred ruins, grand hotels, wildlife preserves, hilltop villages, snack shacks, castles, festivals, reefs, restaurants, cathedrals, hidden islands, opera houses, ...  [selengkapnya]


97 Ways to Make A Baby Laugh  - Paperback - 1997-01-05
oleh Jack Moore
*** Out of Print ***
Set your inhibitions aside. Completely nutty yet effective, 97 WAYS TO MAKE A BABY LAUGH, now with over 702,000 copies in print, is the perfect, charming gift book for parents who want to tickle their baby's funnybone, and their own. It's like a book of parlor tricks, except that the person who's ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Steve Kaplan
*** Out of Print ***
In business, there's no standing still. The trick is to become an elephant—big enough to make a difference, healthy enough to withstand financial currents, strong enough to influence your market—and smart enough to avoid the pitfalls of growth.
...  [selengkapnya]


Birds (Fandex Family Field Guides)  - Misc. Supplies - 1998-01-10
oleh Michael W. Robbins
*** Out of Print ***
Bringing the world of Birds to your fingertips, Fandex presents the ideal field guide. The images are large, the details sharp, the colors bright. Each die-cut profile is unmistakable - it's like having the real bird in your own hand. There are instantly accessible details about each bird's ...  [selengkapnya]

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Kicauan Si Burung ZUPER!
Penulis buku ini membuat personifikasi yang tak biasa dengan melambangkan burung sebagai sosok bijaksana. Luar biasa! Andrie Wongso, Motivator No.1 Indonesia Buku ini Jenaka dan bermanfaat! ...   
