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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Viking"
Displaying 21 to 30 (of 35 books)

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oleh James Mann
*** Out of Print ***
From The New York Times bestselling author of Rise of the Vulcans, an exploration of Chinese authoritarianism and Western capitalism

In The China Fantasy, bestselling author James Mann examines the evolution of American policy toward China and asks, Does it make ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Christine Kenneally
*** Out of Print ***
A compelling look at the quest for the origins of human language from an accomplished linguist

Language is a distinctly human gift. However, because it leaves no permanent trace, its evolution has long been a mystery, and it is only in the last fifteen years that we have begun to ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Dr. Frank Lawlis
*** Out of Print ***
The primary contributing psychologist for the Dr. Phil Show offers practical advice on boosting brain power for the whole family

In the bestselling The ADD Answer, Dr. Frank Lawlis provided thousands with valuable information about treatments for ADD and ADHD. Now he ...  [selengkapnya]


The Mermaid Chair: A Novel  - Hard Cover - 2005-04-05
oleh Sue Monk Kidd
*** Out of Print ***
Sue Monk Kidd's The Mermaid Chair is the soulful tale of Jessie Sullivan, a middle-aged woman whose stifled dreams and desires take shape during an extended stay on Egret Island, where she is caring for her troubled mother, Nelle. Like Kidd's stunning debut novel, The Secret Life of ...  [selengkapnya]


The Planets  - Hard Cover - 2007-01-07
oleh Dava Sobel
*** Out of Print ***
With her blockbuster New York Times bestsellers Longitude and Galileos Daughter, Dava Sobel used her rare and luminous gift for weaving difficult scientific concepts into a compelling story to garner rave reviews and attract readers from across the literary spectrum. Now, in ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Tim Blanning
*** Out of Print ***
The new volume in the acclaimed Penguin History of Europe series takes on the greater eighteenth century in all its revolutionary glory

Here is an enormously entertaining, rich, and provocative account of a vivid and magnificent era in Europes history. Tim Blanning has for many ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Justin Pollard, Howard Reid
*** Out of Print ***
The astonishing story of the ancient city that invented the modern world

Founded by Alexander the Great and built by Greek pharaohs, the city of Alexandria at its height dwarfed both Athens and Rome. It was the marvel of its agelegendary for its vast palaces, safe harbors, and ...  [selengkapnya]


The Slave Ship: A Human History  - Hard Cover - 2007-04-10
oleh Marcus Rediker
*** Out of Print ***
The missing link in the chain of American slavery

For three centuries slave ships carted millions of people from the coasts of Africa across the Atlantic to the Americas. Much is known of the slave trade and the American plantation system, but little of the ships that made it all ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Steven Pinker
*** Out of Print ***
New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker possesses that rare combination of scientific aptitude and verbal eloquence that enables him to provide lucid explanations of deep and powerful ideas. His previous booksincluding the Pulitzer Prize finalist The Blank Slatehave catapulted ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Roy Adkins, Lesley Adkins
*** Out of Print ***
A brutal, action-packed account of the sea battles of the Napoleonic War by the author of the bestselling Nelsons Trafalgar

Roy Adkins (with his wife Lesley) returns to the Napoleonic War in The War for All the Oceans, a gripping account of the naval struggle that ...  [selengkapnya]

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Manusia Langit: Sebuah Novel Etnografi
Mahendra, seorang arkeolog muda, berusaha melepaskan diri dari kungkungan peradaban kampus. Ia kabur ke Banuaha, sebuah kampung di pedalaman Pulau Nias, yang diyakini penduduk aslinya sebagai tempat ...   
