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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Mosby"
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oleh Basil J. Zitelli MD, Holly W. Davis MD
Rp 1.650.000      Rp 1.485.000
Your best source for guidance on the visual diagnosis of pediatric disorders now comes to you in print and online! More than 3,400 hundred illustrations-3,000 in full color-capture the full range of gross anatomic signs as well as laboratory and radiologic findings for hundreds of pediatric ...  [selengkapnya]


Avian Medicine, 2e - 2008-02-20

Rp 1.732.500      Rp 1.559.250
The second edition of Avian Medicine, continues as a practical, comprehensive full-colour illustrative guide to the diagnosis and management of avian disorders. With the participation of some of the world's leading authorities in avian medicine, the book addresses issues ranging from the basic ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Kathy D. Blaney MS BB(ASCP)SBB, Paula R. Howard MS MT(ASCP)SBB
Rp 632.500      Rp 569.250
Clear and accessible, this text addresses the fundamental knowledge and skills you need to work in a blood-banking laboratory. It integrates basic theory - genetics, immunology, and immunohematology - then adds practical, problem-solving exercises. Clinical scenarios and critical thinking exercises ...  [selengkapnya]


Basic Nursing, 7e - 2010-03-16
oleh Patricia A. Potter RN MSN PhD FAAN, Anne Griffin Perry RN EdD FAAN, Patricia Stockert RN BSN MS PhD, Amy Hall RN BSN MS PhD CNE
Rp 907.500      Rp 816.750

Basic Nursing is known for its direct, easy-to-read style and visually appealing design, making it perfect for busy nursing students. It covers all essential nursing principles, concepts, and skills and consistently follows the 5-step nursing process framework. With a strong focus ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh David A. Porter MD PhD, Lew C. Schon MD
Rp 1.925.000      Rp 1.732.500
An injury to the foot and ankle can be devastating to an athlete's performance. Get your patients back to their peak physical condition using authoritative guidance from the only reference book focusing solely on sports-related injuries of the foot and ankle!
  • Authoritative guidance on ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Robert L. Stamper MD, Marc F. Lieberman MD, Michael V. Drake MD
Rp 2.530.000      Rp 2.277.000
Authored by three prominent specialists in the field, this text provides comprehensive coverage of diagnostic and treatment modalities for optimal glaucoma management. Revised throughout, this new edition presents the latest guidance in clinical examination, randomized trials, medical treatment, ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Carin A. Hagberg MD
Rp 1.925.000      Rp 1.732.500
Airway Management is one of the fundamental fields of knowledge that every resident, anesthesiologist and Nurse Anesthetist must master to successfully manage surgical patients. The new edition of this highly successful text has a new editor and increased coverage of pre- and post-intubation ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Lalit Bajaj MD MPH, Simon Hambidge MD PhD, Ann-Christine Nyquist MD MSPH, Gwendolyn Kerby MD
Rp 1.155.000      Rp 1.039.500

Berman's Pediatric Decision Making uses an algorithmic, structured approach to lead you to the right diagnosis and treatment every time. Drs. Lalit Baja, Simon Hambidge, Ann-Christine Nyquist, and Gwendolyn Kerby use evidence-based research and flow charts for each presenting complaint or ...  [selengkapnya]


Rp 462.000      Rp 415.800


oleh Nancymarie Phillips RN PhD RNFA CNOR
Rp 962.500      Rp 866.250
For 50 years, Berry & Kohn's Operating Room Technique has been the text of choice for understanding basic surgical principles and techniques. Berry & Kohn's enjoys continued success in both educational and professional markets because of its readability, accuracy, clarity, and comprehensiveness. It ...  [selengkapnya]

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The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #6: The Enchantress
The two that are one must become the one that is all. One to save the world, one to destroy it.

San Francisco:
Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel have one day left ...   
