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Hasil Pencarian untuk "ALISON I "
Displaying 21 to 28 (of 28 books)

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Learning Chinese Characters  - Paperback - 2007-10-15
oleh Alison Matthews, Laurence Matthews
*** Out of Print ***
Aimed at helping students of Chinese learn and remember Chinese characters—including the pronunciation of characters—fast and effectively, Learning Chinese Characters Volume 1 is a systematic study aid to this difficult language.
Designed specifically to ease students into the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Alison Matthews, Laurence Matthews
*** Out of Print ***
The major struggle facing all beginning Chinese language students is learning to recognize,
read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. The Second 100 Chinese Characters: Traditional Character Edition adopts a structural approach that helps students to
overcome this initial ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Alison Matthews, Laurence Matthews
*** Out of Print ***
The major struggle facing all beginning Chinese language students is learning to recognize,
read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. The Second 100 Chinese Characters: Simplified Character Edition adopts a structural approach that helps students to
overcome this initial ...  [selengkapnya]


Housewife Up  - Paperback - 2006-01-09
oleh Alison Penton Harper
*** Out of Print ***
Recently widowed but putting a brave face on it all, Helens only problem, it seems, is the imminent arrival of her fortieth birthday, not something she can possibly avoid, ignore, or sulk about with friends like Leoni and sisters like Julia around. And there is much to celebrate. A beautiful new ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Alison Waters
*** Out of Print ***
Essential information on basic English vocabulary, presented in a handy-sized book that is easy to carry.   [selengkapnya]


*** Out of Print ***
The major struggle facing all beginning Chinese language students is to learn to recognize, read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. This book adopt a structural approach that helps students overcome this initial difficulty and quickly master the basic Chinese characters fundamental to this ...  [selengkapnya]


*** Out of Print ***
The major struggle facing all beginning Chinese language students is to learn to recognize, read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. This book adopt a structural approach that helps students overcome this initial difficulty and quickly master the basic Chinese characters fundamental to this ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Paul B. Brown, Alison Davis
*** Out of Print ***
Maybe you're in sales...or marketing...or communications? Maybe you're a writer. Maybe you're even a CEO. Whatever your title, you're one of the hundreds of thousands of professionals who communicate for a living-and you're struggling to get your message heard in a noisy and crowded marketplace. ...  [selengkapnya]

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"Kurasa kita memang ditakdirkan menjadi pasangan dengan green tea sebagai cupidnya." Junsu (Green Tea, My Cupid)
"Memang cinta tidak selalu lembut, terkadangsepahit ...   
